A Light In The Dark

A personal game project.

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A Light In The Dark por Mind Map: A Light In The Dark

1. Story/Premise

1.1. Setting

1.1.1. Location: Prison

1.1.2. Time Period: Modern, 21st Century

1.1.3. Time In-game: Night

1.2. Player Lore

1.2.1. Role: Prison Warden

1.3. Entities

1.3.1. Player

1.3.2. Assistant Warden

1.3.3. Prisoners

1.4. Rooms

1.4.1. Lobby Area Item Elevator

1.4.2. Basement

2. Goals

2.1. 1. Make the game scary.

3. Game Mechanics

3.1. 2D Type:

3.1.1. Top Down

3.2. Movement

3.2.1. Controls Click to move

3.2.2. Directions Fixed Direction Walking (Up/Down/Left/Right/Diagonal)

3.2.3. Speeds Walk Run

3.3. World

3.3.1. Map Generation Structurally Generated

4. Objectives

4.1. Gameplay Objectives

4.1.1. Primary Objective Survive the night

4.1.2. Secondary Objective Complete specific tasks throughout the night

4.2. Player Motivation

4.2.1. Immersion (Horror)

4.2.2. Mastery (Strategy)

4.2.3. Creativity (Discovery)

4.3. Horror Troupe

4.3.1. Stalking

4.3.2. Chasing