Innovations Ecosystem

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Innovations Ecosystem por Mind Map: Innovations Ecosystem

1. Partners

1.1. The Lullaby Trust

1.1.1. Information and formation needs

1.2. Netsell

1.2.1. Fullfills application development needs

1.3. Toptal

1.3.1. Provides AI system integration

2. Recruitment

2.1. Team members

2.2. Team leader

2.3. Business networker

3. Health Institutions and External verification

3.1. NHS

3.1.1. Industry Certification

3.2. Industry Led Researchers

3.2.1. Reassurance of rliability of infomation

3.2.2. Up to date Information that exceeds a consumers research capabilities

4. Systems

4.1. App Developers

4.2. IBM Think Tank Software

4.2.1. IBM NVIDIA Platform