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Criminal law por Mind Map: Criminal law

1. Set of rules that define behavior that is prohibited by the state.

2. The development of the state dispensing justice in a court clearly emerged in the eighteenth century when European countries began maintaining police services.

3. Criminal law is distinctive for the only serious potential consequences or sanctions for failure to abide by its rules.

4. Criminal law generally prohibits undesirable acts. Therefore, proof of a crime requires proof of some act.

5. While crimes are often divided into grades or classes to punish appropriately, all crimes can be divided into laws "bad in itself" and "bad prohibition".

6. It establishes the punishment that must be imposed on those who violate these laws.

7. Criminal law, is the body of law that relates to crime.

8. The five objectives are widely accepted for the application of criminal law through punishment: retribution, dissuasion, disability, rehabilitation and restitution.

9. In general, crimes must include an intentional act, and "intention" is an element that must be proven to find a crime.

10. Low-quality crimes are serious crimes, crimes against property, immoral acts and corrupt acts committed by public officials.