Christmas markets

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Christmas markets por Mind Map: Christmas markets

1. Activities

1.1. Puppet shows

1.2. Fairy tales plays

1.3. Father Christmas

1.4. Choral singing

1.5. Carols

1.5.1. Tinkle of a bell

1.6. Stroll over the market

2. Decoration

2.1. Ornaments

2.2. Tinsels

2.3. Balls, baubles

2.4. Angels

2.5. Smoking men, incense burners

2.6. Pyramids

3. Atmosphere

3.1. Stalls, booths

3.2. Medieval

3.3. Nativity scene

3.3.1. Crib, manger, creche

3.3.2. Life-sized figures

3.4. Enchanting

3.5. Half-timbered houses

4. Food

4.1. Coated pastry

4.2. Specialties

4.3. Lozenges

4.4. Gingerbread hearts

4.5. Candied fruit

4.6. Dried fruit

4.7. chocolate dipped fruit

4.8. Chocolate covered marshmallows

5. Folk art

5.1. Miner tradition

5.1.1. Miner’s parade

5.2. Tradition, traditional

5.3. Ore mountains

5.4. Woodcarving

5.5. Glassblowing

6. Gifts

6.1. Retro toys

6.2. Doily

6.2.1. Lace

6.3. Handmade crafts

6.3.1. Handcrafted items

6.4. Utensils, kitchen stuff

6.5. Wickerwork

6.6. Ceramics

6.7. Nutcrackers