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PTSD por Mind Map: PTSD

1. Pathophysiology

1.1. Hormone imbalance

2. Treatments

2.1. Cognitive processing therapy

2.1.1. Change patients' perspectives of trauma

2.2. Prolonged exposure therapy

2.2.1. Help patients regain the control of life

2.3. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing

2.3.1. Deal with traumatic events more efficiently by helping patients relax

2.4. Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

2.4.1. Help patients use internal defense systems to ease traumatic events

2.5. Medical treatment

2.5.1. Control levels of hormone


3.1. Prolonged/repeated traumatic events

3.2. Much more complex

3.3. Usually happens in childhood

4. Cause

4.1. Trauma

4.1.1. Sexual assault

4.1.2. Violence

4.1.3. Accidents

4.1.4. Abuse

4.1.5. Loss of close friends/family members

4.1.6. War

4.1.7. Combat stress reaction

4.1.8. Bullying

4.1.9. Natural disaster

4.2. Genetics

5. Symptom

5.1. Depression

5.2. Anxiety

5.3. Avoidance

5.4. Over reaction

5.5. Suicide

6. Public support

6.1. Increase public understanding

6.2. More research in this field

6.3. More facilities to support PTSD/C-PTSD patients