Early Hominids - B block

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Early Hominids - B block por Mind Map: Early Hominids - B block

1. Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis

1.1. Funeral ceremonies

1.2. Picked herbs

1.3. Lived in large groups

1.4. cooperated with each other

1.5. Stronger than other hominids

1.6. mysterious disappearance

1.7. Spread to Europe, Asia and Australia

2. Australopithecus Afarensis

2.1. First Hominids

2.2. Southern Ape

2.3. Lucy

2.4. First Hominid bipeds

2.5. Not many clues or bones found

2.6. Lived alone

2.7. Not taller than 3 feet

2.8. Brain 1/3 of human brain size

3. Homo Sapiens Sapiens

3.1. Looks more like modern humans

3.2. Use art to express feelings

3.3. Made thicker clothing

3.4. Started simple building

3.5. Began education

3.6. 5" 6' average Height

3.7. Related to us

4. Homo Habilis

4.1. AKA Handy man

4.2. Second Hominid

4.3. Lived in groups

4.4. Average height is 4 feet

4.5. Hunted in groups

4.6. Use simple tools

4.6.1. Made Digging tools

5. Homo Erectus

5.1. Bones found in Java island

5.2. Build fire

5.2.1. To get warm

5.2.2. Use fire for protection

5.2.3. To create light Extend the days

5.2.4. To cook meat

5.3. Use animal fur for clothing

5.4. Backs straight

5.5. 5 feet tall