Blockchain Lab GIZ

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Blockchain Lab GIZ por Mind Map: Blockchain Lab GIZ

1. Distributed Ledger Technologies DLT

1.1. Blockchain

1.2. Potential to transform the fundamental mechanisms os colaboration of

1.2.1. Society

1.2.2. Economy

1.2.3. Governamental institutions

1.3. Distributed governance

1.4. Key mechanisms x economy & society

1.4.1. Transaction cost

1.4.2. Trust

1.4.3. Consensus

2. Challenge

2.1. Framework conditions

2.2. Design desitions

2.3. Boarder social benefit

2.3.1. Examples Chipper remittances Traceable mined diamons to avoid blood diamonds

3. Benefits

3.1. Reduce transactions costs

3.2. Avoid counterparty risks

3.3. Provide audit trail of interactions between

3.3.1. Individuals

3.3.2. Companies

3.3.3. Governementst

3.3.4. Things

4. Objectives

4.1. UN SDG

4.1.1. United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

4.2. 2030 agenda

4.2.1. Climate accountability

4.2.2. Management of projects expeditures via Smart Contracts

4.2.3. Financial system Development

4.2.4. Education credentials

4.2.5. Authentication of Medicines

4.2.6. Provenance monitoring and Fair Trade

4.2.7. Property and other Public Registries

4.2.8. Peer2 peer economy

4.2.9. Smart ide tity and citizen empowerment

4.2.10. Descentralized energy markets

4.2.11. Secure patient data management

4.2.12. Refugees and migrant services

5. Approach

5.1. Examining

5.2. Engaging

5.2.1. Engaging with academia

5.2.2. Engaging governamental institutions

5.2.3. Engaging startup ecosystem

5.2.4. Engaging the bussiness sector

5.3. Interdisciplinary basis

5.4. Considers blockchain use cases from

5.4.1. Economic

5.4.2. Legal

5.4.3. Institutional persoectives

5.5. Steps

5.5.1. Examines solution from DLT to derermine relevance to SDG.

5.5.2. Analysis promising applications Demand Feasibility

5.5.3. Develop detailed operational and governance concept Legal aspects

5.6. Management

5.6.1. Agile

5.6.2. Interdisciplinary

5.6.3. Innovarion management Cocreative workshops Design thinking Hackatons

5.7. Focus on practical implementations

5.8. Geared

5.8.1. thoward users and target groups

5.8.2. Development policy objectives Principles for digital development