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Ecology por Mind Map: Ecology

1. Symbiosis

1.1. Parasitism

1.2. Commensalism

1.3. Mutualism

2. Sucession

2.1. Primary Sucession

2.2. Secondary Sucession

3. Biogeochemical Cycles

3.1. Water Cycle

3.1.1. Evaporation

3.2. Nitrogen Cycle

3.2.1. Nitrogen

3.3. Oxygen/Carbon Cycle

4. Human Impact on the enviorment

4.1. Lack of biodiversity

4.1.1. Endangered Species

4.1.2. Threatened Species

4.1.3. Extinct

4.2. Threat to biodiversity

4.2.1. Habitat Loss

4.2.2. Habitat degradation

4.2.3. Habitat fragmentation

5. Population Curves

5.1. J-Curve

5.2. S-Curve

5.3. Boom and Bust

6. Trophic Levels

6.1. Trophic Pyramid

6.1.1. Energy Tranfer

7. Energy

7.1. Carnivore

7.2. Producer

7.3. Decomposer

7.4. Herbivore