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Irania Olivas por Mind Map: Irania Olivas

1. About me

1.1. Hi friend! My name is Irania, I am a student at Arizona State University. I am majoring in Elementary Education because I love to work with kids. I love making new friends, in high school I was in Student Government because I enjoyed showing spirit for my school and making activities to make school a more fun place.

2. Resume

3. Contact

3.1. email: [email protected]

3.2. #:(602)-708-2757

4. background info

4.1. Many kids in America are left alone for long periods of time with no parent supervision. Most of the times these parent leave their kids at home because they do not make enough to pay babysitters or a daycare.

5. career

5.1. I would like to teach kindergartners, I enjoy working with the little people. I want to teach for a couple years but I also want to go back to school to be a pediatric nurse in the future.

6. children

6.1. Children are the future, they are going to be calling the big shots in a couple years but before that we need to influence them in way were they will always choose the right thing to do.

7. Goal

7.1. I want to make an affordable daycare for those families who are struggling financially. It will be a place where the parents can leave their kids for the night if they can't make it. It will be a place where they can trust us to provide and take care of their kids.