Effects of ACEs on children in the foster care system

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Effects of ACEs on children in the foster care system por Mind Map: Effects of ACEs on children in the foster care system

1. No permanent home

1.1. constantly finding new friends

1.2. No sense of belonging

1.3. Lack of good night sleep

2. Trust issues

2.1. No trust in adults

2.2. Child neglect

3. Childhood trauma

3.1. Separation from family/siblings

3.2. Separation of parents (divorce)

3.3. Sick parents that could lead to death

3.4. Child abuse

4. Education problems

4.1. Learning disabilities

4.2. Low graduation rates

4.3. Likely to be suspended

5. No self regulation skills

5.1. Do not follow rule/laws

5.2. Behavioral problems

5.3. More likely to abuse a substance

6. Low self-esteem

6.1. Self harm

6.2. Shy/Introvert

6.3. Peer pressure