Working towards a sustainable future.

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Working towards a sustainable future. por Mind Map: Working towards a sustainable future.

1. population

1.1. population control

1.1.1. birth control limit to 2 children per couple

1.1.2. sexual education

1.1.3. make contraception widely available

2. water

2.1. water not available in all parts of the world

2.1.1. desalinisation

2.1.2. human right to have access to clean water

2.2. clean water not available

2.2.1. distribute filters and water disinfectants

2.2.2. develop easy ways to disinfect water

2.2.3. create potable water fountains

3. reduce poverty

3.1. homelessness

3.1.1. shelters

3.2. starvation

3.2.1. food banks

3.3. below poverty line

3.3.1. fund raising

3.3.2. charity

4. clients

4.1. eco warriors

4.2. young educated people

4.3. teachers

4.4. students

4.5. less privileged people

4.6. charities

4.7. large corporate business who want to give back to the community

5. health care

5.1. too expensive

5.1.1. services make public health care available to all

5.1.2. medication reduce pricing of medication

5.2. not available everywhere

5.2.1. make health care accessible in all areas

6. education

6.1. too expensive

6.1.1. make good public education available to all

6.2. not available everywhere

6.2.1. make public education accessible everywhere

7. Animal rights

7.1. no poaching

7.2. no hunting

7.3. no abuse

7.4. don't destroy their habitat

7.4.1. preserve natural reserves

7.5. don't pollute their habitat

7.5.1. reduce deforestation plant more trees stop cutting down trees

8. Materials

8.1. find new sustainable materials

8.2. don't use materials that release toxic gases during production

8.3. don't use materials that release toxic gases during decomposition

8.4. don't use non-biodegradable material

9. environment

9.1. climate change

9.1.1. global warming To reduce global warming reduce carbon emissions reduce deforestation

9.2. pollution

9.2.1. soil pollution sustainable agriculture less waste in landfills recycling reuse reduce

9.2.2. water pollution reduce one-time plastic use use multiple use material don't dump waste in water treat sewage and use it for agriculture reduce oil spills

9.2.3. air pollution reduce toxic gas emissions from factories don't use diesel cars plant trees

9.2.4. noise pollution limit the time that big machinery can be active on the streets mandatory wear of ear protection in factories

9.2.5. light pollution switch off street lights during specified times

10. Energy resources

10.1. don't use

10.1.1. coal

10.1.2. oil

10.1.3. gas

10.2. use

10.2.1. wind

10.2.2. solar

10.2.3. tidal

10.2.4. hydroelectric

10.2.5. wave

10.2.6. biofuel

11. Equality

11.1. gender

11.1.1. equal rights to education

11.1.2. equal pay

11.1.3. equal opportunity at work

11.1.4. right to drive a car

11.2. race

11.2.1. equal rights to education

11.2.2. equal pay

11.2.3. equal access to health care

11.2.4. fair trial

11.2.5. equal opportunity at work

11.3. religious beliefs

11.3.1. respect religious beliefs

11.3.2. don't commit mass genocide

11.4. social class

11.4.1. equal access to health care

11.4.2. equal access to eduction

11.4.3. equal access to food and water