El artículo indefinido A / AN

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El artículo indefinido A / AN por Mind Map: El artículo indefinido A / AN

1. Rule 2 Use an when the indefinite article comes before a word beginning with a vowel sound:

1.1. An attorney

1.2. An hour

1.3. An attache case

2. Exceptions It’s important to note that not all nouns that begin with a consonant begin with the consonant sound. Remember, it’s about pronunciation.

2.1. An honor

3. Exceptions Likewise, there are some nouns beginning with a consonant that makes a vowel sound.

3.1. A university

4. Indefinite articles are used when we are referring to an unspecified thing or quantity. We use them when we don’t know (or don’t care) which thing we’re talking about.

5. Regla 1: use un cuando el artículo indefinido aparece antes de una palabra que comienza con un sonido consonante. Example

5.1. A clock

5.2. A door

5.3. A book

6. video about indefinite article