Redesigning Learning Spaces MakerSpaces

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Redesigning Learning Spaces MakerSpaces por Mind Map: Redesigning Learning Spaces MakerSpaces

1. Pros & Educational Impacts

1.1. There are many benefits to having MakerSpaces in schools. One big push nationwide has been integrating the Four C's, which is included in MakerSpaces, but they allow for so much more than that. We are preparing our students for their futures which can include many different obstacles that could be encountered while making in MakerSpace!

1.1.1. Motivation SPIKES! Students actually WANT to learn new things when the learning is exciting to them. IF a child has any sort of interest the are much more motivated to try it.

1.1.2. Engagement INCREASES! Due to motivation spiking, student interest raises, so lessons become less boring. They pay more attention to the lessons so they take more away.

1.1.3. Students become more INQUISITIVE! In our Google based society, we don't have to think for ourselves. MakerSpaces allow students to start asking more questions and figuring out the WHY behind their learning.

1.1.4. IMAGINATIONS expand! Students in today's world are so focused on technology, they often don't think for themselves. They look things up online because it is easier than figure it out. Through the use of MakerSpace, students are allowed to create and imagine anything and everything possible.

1.1.5. The Many C's of MakerSpaces : Going past the typical Four C's we add curation and confidence. Students get to make things and when they are successful they learn to trust themselves. The student is then more likely to try and do new, different things later. Critical Thinking Curation Confidence Creativity Communication Collaboration There was a time when you could follow the formula: work hard at school, go to college, and climb a corporate ladder. But because of the complex global economy, the creative economy, the information economy, the ladder is now a maze. Students need to be able to engage in iterative thinking, creative thinking, critical thinking. They need to know how to pivot, how to revise, how to persevere. They need to solve complex problems. All of those are involved in the maker mindset. If you can embed making in the curriculum, then they're able to develop that maker mindset. The space is just the platform that facilitates it. -John Spencer

1.1.6. Real World Connections With the technological increases in today's workforce, MakerSpaces can introduce students to 3D Printing, laser cutting, animation, and more. Which are all careers of the now and future.

1.1.7. Lessons taught are MULTI DISCIPLINARY. Time in classrooms never seems to be enough. By utilizing MakerSpaces teachers can teach lots of different ideas and concepts through one project.

1.1.8. Teachers can also easily DIFFERENTIATE lessons taught using MakerSpaces. Through the use of these, students don't even know who is working at what level, or why. The same concepts and ideas are taught, but much less is needed to differentiatie.

2. RMS MakerSpace

2.1. Check it out Here!

2.2. The library at the school I work, is more than just a place for students to go find books to read. Our librarian has transformed it into a media center and makerspace. Students can come to the library for these things when they have completed all regular classwork, but teachers can also reserve times for their classes to come in.

2.2.1. Activity Table

2.2.2. Makerspace Counter

2.2.3. Collaboration Station

2.2.4. Lego Wall

2.2.5. New Monthly Activities Order the Presidents Make & Takes Paint By Sticker

2.2.6. Coding

2.2.7. Robotics

2.3. When this was implemented at RMS, the right questions had to be asked and an plan had to be put into place (Cooper, 2013). Grants were applied for (and received), minor construction was finished, and many other different factors were considered. After a period of hard work, the principal and the librarian put the whole thing into action.

2.3.1. WHO will use it?

2.3.2. WHAT subjects can be taught there?

2.3.3. WHICH tools and materials are needed?

2.3.4. WHEN will it be used?

2.3.5. WHERE will it be located?

2.3.6. HOW do we make it happen?

2.3.7. WHAT is the budget? WHERE is it coming from?

3. Resources

3.1. Cooper, J. (2013, September 30). Designing a School Makerspace. Retrieved from Designing a School Makerspace

3.2. Davis, M. (n.d.). Curiosity Commons [Web log post]. Retrieved from curiositycommons

3.3. Freeman, A., Adams Becker, S., Cummins, M., Davis, A., and Hall Giesinger, C. (2017). NMC/CoSN Horizon Report: 2017 K–12 Edition. Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium.

3.4. Robidoux Middle School. (n.d.). Retrieved from Library / Makerspace and Tinker Lab

4. What is it?

4.1. Makerspace is an environment that allows student to participate in hands-on learning experiences. Students use their common interests to create, collaborate, and use technologies to work on different projects and ideas.

4.2. These spaces haven't always been readily available for students, but the idea of creating and communicating has been around for a long time. We used to think of these as shop class, art, science fairs, and even home economics class, but now we can these type of things available for students outside these classrooms.

4.2.1. The NMC Horizon Report did not include MakerSpaces until 2015, but since then, they have included it in every report!

4.2.2. Europe currently holds about 40% of the world's MakerSpaces, but there has been 14X growth in MakerSpace worldwide (Freeman et al., 2017)

4.3. Makerspace Playbook - Makerspace : A great starting place to get it going!

5. Cons

5.1. Many educational issues tend to be finance focused. While this is an issue for MakerSpaces, we have to think about the actual implementation as well.

5.1.1. Money & Resources: As with anything cost is typically an issue. MakerSpaces have to be funded in order to supply the technologies and materials needed for students to 'Make'.

5.1.2. Time : If any special technologies are placed in MakerSpaces, educators must find time to be trained properly. If they aren't the technology doesn't serve a purpose. This is needed for things to run safely and effectively. “Time is the most precious of classroom resources…Making, tinkering, and engineering may require schools to undergo structural changes that support inquiry and project development over much longer periods of time than they are accustomed” (Davis, n.d.).

5.1.3. Scheduling : If a school is large, or has a part time librarian, scheduling can be a nightmare. This staff member has to juggle not only the library portion of their library, but also the MakerSpace.

5.1.4. Noise : Some pieces of equipment such as 3-D printers or laser cutters can be quiet noisy. If noise reductions are not taken into account, MakerSpaces can be quite distracting to other classes.

5.1.5. Neatness & Maintenance : Those using MakerSpaces have to be trained or in some cases agreements have to be signed to return the space to how it was before. "Creative messes" (Davis, n.d.) happen and are meant to happen, however things can be destroyed with carelessness.

5.1.6. Safety : If sharp and hazardous objects are used without proper supervision or incorrectly, issues may arise. MakerSpace should be supervised carefully, which can be an issue if staff is unavailable.