Theories of learning

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Theories of learning por Mind Map: Theories of learning

1. Empiricism

2. Empiricism is when that knowledge is derive for the experience, because through the good or bad experience we can have a good knowledge about something or on specific topic, in others words the experience is a based of our knowledge

3. Cognitivism

4. When we talk about of cognitivism, we can understand that is a mental processes, and the cognitivism is how we perceive something.

5. Types of cognitive learning theory.

6. Discovery learning (Jerome Bruner)

7. Meaningful verbal learning (David Ausubel)


9. A theory of learning behaviors from others.

10. Grew out cognitivism.

11. Bandura (1973)Models: people who is observed for children copying their behaviors


13. A sociological theory in which human development depends of constructed knowledge of social interaction with other people.

14. In the classroom

15. Round table

16. Work group

17. Multiple intelligences (MI)

18. H. Gardner

19. Every person has different ways of learning and different types of intelligences.

20. Types of intelligences:

21. Verbal linguistic

22. domain the language

23. Visual spatial

24. to know objects and it characteristics

25. Logical mathematical

26. conceptualize logics between symbols and actions.

27. Kinesthetic

28. coordination on movements (hold body)

29. Naturalist

30. sensibility with the nature world

31. Interpersonal

32. interaction with other people

33. to know our own self (who am I?)

34. Intrapersonal

35. Rationalism

36. Rationalism is the knowledge derives from the logic, because we use the rational abilities for to solve some situation, and when we talk about the rational abilities we refer to ability of reason about something.

37. Behaviorism.

38. We can understand how behaviorism to the form of how we appreciable and perceptible (observable) behaviour.

39. Types of Conditioning

40. Classical conditioning-Pavlov

41. Operant conditioning-Skinner

42. Teams

43. Conversational clubs

44. Brainstorming

45. Brain based learning (BBL)

46. Grew out of neuroscience and constructivism

47. Refers

48. actions of teaching methods

49. school programs

50. lessons design

51. including cognitive factors

52. students develoment.

53. Factors

54. age

55. growth

56. mature socially

57. emotionally

58. cognitive