levels of orangnazation of life

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levels of orangnazation of life por Mind Map: levels of orangnazation of life

1. organism.lkjhgfcx

2. organ system

2.1. ex respiratory and cardiovascular 11 major systems in the body.

3. organs

3.1. made up of different types of tissue.made up of tissue organ system is 2 or more organs and makes a organs.mitochondria,ribosome,and vakrya.

4. cells

4.1. smallest units that have characteristics of life the human body has 100 trillion cells cells make more cells and exedra create tissue of bone tissue stomach tissue and lung tissue

5. oraganels

5.1. made up of different types of tissue.made up of tissue organ system is 2 or more organs and makes a organs.mitochondria,ribosome,and vakrya.

6. malacue

6.1. form together to make macromolecules are lipids.

7. atoms

7.1. make everything in the universe Bond together to form molecules.smallest unit of matter is subatomic particles made of protons neutrons and exd.

8. tissue

8.1. similar cells have to perform the same job 4 major types of tissue,connective tissue,muscle tissue,matrix,nervous tissue.tissue is skin your heart is an organ.