Assessment in Instrumental Music: listening, performing and creating

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Assessment in Instrumental Music: listening, performing and creating por Mind Map: Assessment in Instrumental Music: listening, performing and creating

1. Assessment As Learning

1.1. Assessment as Learning encourages students to become independent agents of their education who recognize their needs and strengths and can work independently and in community to reach their goals. This happens slowly and through a gradual release off responsibility. Assessment as learning is modeled and requires a lot of support and guidance from the instructor

1.2. The emphasis on student self-assessment represents a paradigm shift in the teacher-student relationship,. Assessment as learning places the primary responsibility for learning with the student.

1.3. This skill needs to be scaffolded and carefully developed over time. One way to foster this skill is to engineer classroom and small-group conversations that encourage students to carefully articulate what they are thinking, respond to peers, and further develop their thinking.

1.4. Make time to pose questions to help students make their thinking explicit and develop their reasoning

1.5. Encourage goal setting and teach students to reach their goals by careful planning and checking in on progress. Strong self-assessment skills provide students with an avenue to learn to identify specific actions they need to take to improve, and to plan next steps

1.6. Teachers help students develop their self-assessment skills by modelling referencing the success criteria and the provision of descriptive feedback, by planning multiple opportunities for peer assessment and self-assessment, and by providing descriptive feedback to students about the quality of their feedback to peers.

1.7. Students learn to use the success criteria and learning goals to assess their own and their peers' learning

2. Assessment of Learning

2.1. “Assessment of learning is the assessment that becomes public and results in statements or symbols about how well students are learning. It often contributes to pivotal decisions that will affect students’ futures.” (Western and Northern Canadian Protocol, p. 55)

2.2. Assessment OF learning occurs near or at the end of a learning period

2.3. Important to design tasks that provide students with a variety of ways to demonstrate their learning;

2.4. This final evaluation essentially makes judgements about the quality of student learning on the basis of established criteria, to assign a value to represent that quality, and to support the communication of information about achievement to students themselves, parents, teachers, and others

2.5. Assessment of Learning is used to summarize and communicate what students know and can do with respect to curriculum expectations

2.6. Evidence of student achievement is collected from observations, conversations, and student products

3. Strategies in the Music Classroom

3.1. Assessment focuses on process AND product

3.2. A variety of tasks related to listening, performing and creating

3.3. Curriculum is inclusive, features local and global contexts

3.4. Learning tasks and products are relevant - teacher ensures that there is a utilization and integration of a variety of technology: ipad, recording equipment, computer, electric instruments

3.5. Students can create a portfolio of musical work from a variety of contexts: listening guides, journals, recordings, ,compositions, tests/quizzes, audio or visual assignments

3.6. Provide students with multiple opportunities to demonstrate what they know, value and can do

3.6.1. Oral - report, taped interview, personal response, performance • Written - report, story, music journal, dictations, compositions, worksheets • Aural - performances (live and recorded) • Visual - construction, diagram, diorama, display, poster, graphic representation

3.7. I really like the idea of including music journals. I think this is an excellent way for students to engage in the critical response process and develop a better understanding of themselves and how to articulate their personal responses to different genres of music

3.8. Both informal and formal observation are valuable sources of information to inform assessment and instructional processes

4. What is Assessment?

4.1. The Primary Purpose of Assessment & Evaluation is to improve Student Learning

4.1.1. Three Questions to Guide Planning, Instruction and Assessment: Where is the learner going? Where is the learner now? What does the learner need to get there?

4.2. Assessment is a cyclical process in which teachers and students work together so that every student is given the opportunity to achieve success according to his or her own interests, abilities, and goals

4.3. As the teacher provides feedback, and as the student responds to it, the assessment information gathered is used to improve learning as well as instruction

4.4. The teacher provide students with multiple opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and attitudes

5. Assessment For Learning

5.1. Assessment FOR learning is cyclical in nature, it occurs frequently and is ongoing in response to student needs and goals

5.2. “Assessment for learning is the process of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by learners and their teachers to decide where the learners are in their learning, where they need to go, and how best to get there.” (Assessment Reform Group, 2002, p. 2)

5.3. Teachers observe students as they participate in discussion and tasks

5.4. Teachers then use the data that they have gathered to adjust instruction and provide students with feedback

5.5. Learning environment and tasks are continually redesigned to help students practice and consolidate new learning

5.6. Teachers and students work together to adjust instruction and learning tasks in response to their goals, interests and needs

5.7. Teachers provide students with descriptive feedback. This feedback focuses on providing students with specific information about what they are doing well, what needs improvement, and what possible next steps they can take to improve

5.8. Ongoing descriptive feedback is linked specifically to the learning goals and success criteria

6. Potential Challenges

6.1. Cultivating Self Aware, Motivated & Independent Students

6.2. Including technology in your tasks, it is not always readily available in the music room and may not be within the budget to acquire

6.3. Create rich enough tasks with a wide base and high ceiling for a variety of learners to navigate successfully

6.4. Developing and using tools effectively to evaluate upwards of 300 students per term

7. The Seven Fundamental Principles of Assessment (Growing Success, 6)

7.1. are fair, transparent, and equitable for all students;

7.2. support all students, including those with special education needs, those who are learning the language of instruction (English or French), and those who are First Nation, Métis, or Inuit;

7.3. are carefully planned to relate to the curriculum expectations and learning goals and, as much as possible, to the interests, learning styles and preferences, needs, and experiences of all students;

7.4. are communicated clearly to students and parents at the beginning of the school year or course and at other appropriate points throughout the school year or course;

7.5. are ongoing, varied in nature, and administered over a period of time to provide multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate the full range of their learning;

7.6. provide ongoing descriptive feedback that is clear, specific, meaningful, and timely to support improved learning and achievement;

7.7. develop students’ self-assessment skills to enable them to assess their own learning, set specific goals, and plan next steps for their learning.

8. Effective Feedback

8.1. Looks Like

8.1.1. Modeling expectations & exemplars of written work, performance pieces, and listening responses gathering information from a variety of sources the learning goals and success criteria are clearly posted, students and teachers have a common and shared understanding of these goals and criteria Accommodating students with exceptionalities Frequent opportunities to practice developing skills and to receive time specific and ongoing feedback through observation or conversation Rich tasks in which you can evaluate all four strands on the achievement chart

8.2. Sounds Like

8.2.1. teachers provide students with descriptive feedback that guides their efforts towards improvement Effective conversations and interactions with students Feedback from the teacher, self-assessments, and feedback from peers

8.3. Feels Like

8.3.1. Constructive rather than destructive feedback Confidence in knowing what steps to take next Believing that they can be successful Balanced and Objective Fair to all students