Horizons Developmental Resource Center

Nicole Beurkens, PhD is the Founder and Executive Director of Horizons Developmental Resource Center. At Horizons Developmental Resource Center we specialize in Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Autism, and ADHD in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults, as well as Brain Injury, Learning Disabilities, Mood Disorders, Anxiety, Communication Disorders, and Feeding Disorders.

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Horizons Developmental Resource Center por Mind Map: Horizons Developmental Resource Center

1. Movement and Sensory Motor Therapy Caledonia |

2. School & Vocational Programming Caledonia |

3. 5 Games to Improve Speech and Language Disorders in Children | Horizons Developmental Resource Center

4. Put Your Child’s Bad Behavior to Rest with a Good Night’s Sleep | Horizons Developmental Resource Center

5. Feeding Disorder Program | Feeding Therapy Center Grand Rapids

6. Could Food Sensitivities Be Causing or Worsening Your Child’s ADHD Symptoms? | Horizons Developmental Resource Center