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HDFS 2200 por Mind Map: HDFS 2200

1. Race, Ethnicity, Immigration

1.1. Micro-Aggression

1.2. Racism Make You Sick

2. Families and Social Class

2.1. Types of Social Class

2.2. Poverty

2.3. Family Perceptions

3. Gender

3.1. Man Enough

3.2. Gender Norms

3.3. Gender Spectrum

4. Love and Romantic Relationships

4.1. Hooking up

4.2. Dating

4.3. Soulmates

5. Families and Children

5.1. Parenthood

5.2. Gate Keepers

5.3. Co Parenting

6. Family Violence and Abuse

6.1. Domestic Violence

6.2. Bystanders

7. The Family

7.1. Types of Familes

7.2. Consensus Perspective

8. The Family in History

8.1. Characteristics of Family Life

8.2. Split Household Families

9. Sexuality

9.1. Virginity

9.2. Consent

10. Work and Families

10.1. Motherhood Penalty

10.2. Fatherhood Bonus

10.3. Equality at Home and Work

11. Divorce Remarriage and Blended Families

11.1. Divorce Contagious

11.2. Effects on Kids

12. Marriage and Cohabitation

12.1. CoHabitation

12.2. Inter marriage

12.3. Happiness within the marriage