Mind Map for Become the Higher Learner

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Mind Map for Become the Higher Learner por Mind Map: Mind Map for Become the Higher Learner

1. 2. Chapter 2: The Mantra

1.1. a. 舠It is everything and everything is relative, and ownership is key.舡

1.2. b. Attitude: The value system that directly impacts outcomes and experiences.

1.3. c. Collegiate Attitude: Not in college to gain knowledge, but to develop a learning process.

1.3.1. i. Shift Paradigm: Be independent and the GAMAF* metaphor

1.3.2. ii. Eliminate Busywork: Work that has no purpose but to keep someone occupied, but nothing is pointless.

1.3.3. iii. Locus of Control: External means believe others have already predetermined how your day/life will go. Internal means that you have control over it. Accept your failures so that you can also accept success.

1.3.4. iv. Attitude Vs. Thinking: Thinking influences your attitude

1.3.5. v. Attitude and Stress: Stress is normal, but monitor it so it doesn舗t get out of control.

1.4. d. 舠Everything is relative.舡

1.4.1. i. Escape limited thinking and learning is relative. 1. Transcend dualism. 2. Stop thinking in absolutes. a. One question can have many answers. 3. Make a commitment to reality a. Higher learning set of relative processes b. Nobody can know it call-- that includes yourself. c. Everything is relative 4. Higher learning is all about relating a. Past experiences help keep things relative.

1.5. e. 舠Ownership is key.舡

1.5.1. i. Ownership can benefit the Higher Learner because ownership is caring about the topic and expanding your own comfort zone. Take ownership of every moment to gain back on investments.

2. 3. Chapter 3: Take Effective Notes

2.1. a. Needed to take notes:

2.1.1. i. Readiness

2.1.2. ii. Energy

2.1.3. iii. Following through

2.1.4. iv. Organizing the material to recall it

2.1.5. v. Don舗t take notes only for the exam

2.1.6. vi. Write it down as it happens

2.2. b. Fundamentals

2.2.1. i. Art of Reduction: Purge what isn舗t essential

2.2.2. ii. Units of Thoughts: Breaking down paragraphs of ideas

2.2.3. iii. Units of Thoughts in Lectures: 舠Read Lectures舡

2.2.4. iv. Signpost: Notes are signposts, map out the route.

2.2.5. v. Taking Notes on Lecture: Interalize material, keep pen on paper, abbreviate, review/rewrite notes ASAP.

2.3. c. Summarize vs. Paraphrase: Summarizing is the very basic idea of the topic whereas paraphrasing is putting ideas into your own words.

2.4. d. Mark Up

2.4.1. i. Highlight: Don舗t abuse it, only highlight the main ideas.

2.4.2. ii. Underlining: Don舗t overdo it, circle/underline.

2.4.3. iii. Writing in the Margins: Paraphrase, infer, and make it count.

2.5. e. Types of Note Taking Systems:

2.5.1. i. Outlining: Bullet pointing

2.5.2. ii. Cornell: The notes that this course required with the three sections of questions, answers, and summary. 1. Cornell is from 1950s by Walter Park at Cornell Uni.

2.5.3. iii. Mind Mapping: The method that is being used right now.

2.6. f. Miss class

2.6.1. i. Have another student teach you what you missed and not just show you the notes.

2.7. g. ETC.

2.7.1. i. There is a note style called Cornell Plus that has another column for extra notes.

2.7.2. ii. Make your own versions of your notes.

3. 5. Chapter 5: Foundations of Higher Learning

3.1. a. Bloom舗s creation of the the language and taxonomy for educational objectives.

3.1.1. i. Cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.

3.2. b. Cognitive Domain

3.2.1. i. Knowledge 1. Having the knowledge but not really sure what to do with it. 2. AKA Mere Knowledge

3.2.2. ii. Comprehension 1. AKA Conceptual knowledge 2. Understand said facts.

3.2.3. iii. Application 1. Ability to do or explain something.

3.2.4. iv. Analysis 1. Examine why and how of an idea.

3.2.5. v. Synthesis 1. AKA Creativity 2. To use the knowledge that you already know in a different way than what was taught.

3.2.6. vi. Evaluation 1. What is the solution? 2. Able to take a step back and look at the whole picture.

3.3. c. Revisions

3.3.1. i. Just an FYI, People have taken their own liberties with these ideas.

3.4. d. Affective Domain: How we can influence on the effectiveness of an outside influence. Ex. Attitude, emotions.

3.4.1. i. Receiving

3.4.2. ii. Responding

3.4.3. iii. Valuing

3.4.4. iv. Organizing

3.4.5. v. Characterizing

3.5. e. Psychomotor Domain: The ability to use the tools for the purpose of the learning.

3.6. f. No Domain Stands Alone: Once one of these three domains fail, the others will soon follow.

3.7. g. Summarizing Bloom舗s Taxonomy: Use this for success in college.

3.8. h. Intelligence: You can have natural abilities, but you can hone other abilities.

3.9. i. Personalities and Higher Learning: Learn the weaknesses and strengthens of your personalities.

3.10. j. Myth of Learning Styles

3.10.1. i. There is no three different types of ways that people can learn, but rather they should be using all three to make the most of the topic that is being taught.

3.11. k. Adult Learning Cycle

3.11.1. i. Bloom舗s Taxonomy and Adult Learning Cycle

3.11.2. ii. Stages of Adult Learning Cycle 1. Experience: Taking in information and putting it away. 2. Two kinds of Experience: Direct experience, you did it yourself. Indirect experience: You didn舗t experience it but someone else did, empathy. 3. Comprehension 4. Application: You can teach the topic to someone else. 5. Reflection: Focusing on the idea and how it impacts everything.

3.11.3. iii. Functions of the Adult Learning Cycle 1. Adoptive Learning: AKA Basic Learning, 舠doesn舗t increase your intellectual paradigm舡 2. Adaptive Learning: AKA Higher Learning: Adapt what you have learned to fit your own needs.

3.12. l. Knowledge shelf life

3.12.1. i. Mere Knowledge

3.12.2. ii. Knowing is only the beginning 1. Just a foundation

3.12.3. iii. Knowing is not enough 1. We need to be able to think and apply these facts/

3.12.4. iv. Knowledge destroys knowledge 1. Thinking is what creates new ideas that destroys old ones.

4. 7. Chapter 7: Memory

4.1. a. What is it?

4.1.1. i. Vital to the higher learner

4.1.2. ii. It is information at the very core.

4.1.3. iii. Long term: 1. Declarative Memory: AKA Explicit, memories that can be recalled. 2. Episodic Memory: Events/ Episodes 3. Semantic Memory: Facts, concepts, and ideas.

4.1.4. iv. Short term 1. Immediate usage, actually using it.

4.2. b. Procedural Memory: AKA Kinesthetic memory AKA Muscle memory. It is inaccessible due to the declarative process.

4.3. c. Recall: Specific memories on cue.

4.4. d. Memorization: Process where we try to encode information for decoding later.

4.5. e. Memory can be learned and strengthened.

4.6. f. Sequential Memory

4.6.1. i. The order is important to the recall of it. 1. Example: ABC舗s

4.7. g. Mnemonics: Tools used to make memorization easier.

4.7.1. i. Example: Song, Acronyms, and Associations.

5. 9. Chapter 9: Testing

5.1. a. Test Anxiety: Physiological response to not being fully prepared on exam day.

5.1.1. i. Causes 1. No ownership of the content 2. Don舗t know what will be on the test 3. DOn舗t know the purpose of the test

5.2. b. Objective vs. Subjective

5.2.1. i. Objective: One correct answer

5.2.2. ii. Subjective: An opportunity to express your own ideas on the material.

5.3. c. Question Types and How to Respond:

5.3.1. i. Essay Response: Follow directions and pay attention to the verbage.

5.3.2. ii. Multiple Choice: There are no trick questions, but there are correct answers vs. distracter answer.

5.3.3. iii. Misc. 1. Negatives: a. Read the statement b. Count/underline c. Eliminate highest even number of negatives d. Read again 2. Modifiers: Absolutes or inbetweens. 3. Relationship cues: Something stems from something else. Is the first or second part true? Relationship suggests by relationship cues ?

5.4. d. What do you do with a test?

5.4.1. i. Review it and learn from it!

6. 11. Chapter 11: Writing

6.1. a. Purpose: It is clear in your own mind.

6.2. b. Similar to athletes in the fact that both have to exercise

6.3. c. Free writing is the best way to generate ideas for a topic

6.4. d. You should use jargon informally in your text because it is the reader舗s job to learn it and not yours to teach (assuming your audience isn舗t a beginning level)

6.5. e. Key to writing entertainment is the tone.

6.6. f. Make sure that you are using modifiers correctly

6.7. g. Ambiguity

6.7.1. i. It can be good for your storytelling, but monitor it through the choice of words.

6.8. h. Active vs. Passive

6.8.1. i. Try to use active, but passive can impact your writing in a way that you might need.

6.9. i. The length question

6.9.1. i. Put effort in the project then go from there. The length will come with the passion you put in it.

6.10. j. Grammar

6.10.1. i. Learn it, know it, use it

6.10.2. ii. If your teacher will allow it you can break the rules for writing舗s sake. But stick to them for the most part.

6.11. k. Revision = Reduction

6.11.1. i. Don舗t rely on spellcheck.

7. 1. Chapter 1: Freshman Orientation

7.1. a. Self-awareness, self-direction, and self-advocacy.

7.2. b. The purpose of college is not the content, but how you process it.

7.3. c. Interdisciplinary Core: This is the required courses in order to gain the degree in the major that you want to accomplish. This is the courses that are life lessons.舡

7.4. d. Institutional Reconnaissance

7.4.1. i. Community College: The first 2 years of a 4 year degree AKA bachelor舗s or the certification or two year degree AKA associate舗s. 1. Benefits include: cheaper, smaller class size, unique programs, more diverse, and remedial programs.

7.4.2. ii. Public Universities: Main difference between this schooling and the others is its moral values.

7.4.3. iii. Private Universities and Colleges: Strong, rich, and heavily rely on personal beliefs.

7.5. e. Accreditation: Accrediting Organizations: Legitimate by general public and employers.

7.5.1. i. Other places can be known as degree mills: An institution in which you can purchase a degree from without studying.

7.5.2. ii. Check to see if your school has been approved.

7.6. f. Professional Reconnaissance

7.6.1. i. Professor: Just a title, usually the person has an advanced degree in the subject that they teach, but they don舗t have a degree in how to teach. Side Note: Every professor is a resource.

7.6.2. ii. Professorial Activism: Pushing personal agenda on students, this can cause coercion and indoctrination, these people are dangerous as they can abuse the power that was given to them.

7.7. g. Online Classes: Assumed to be easier, but they are not. There is technical issues that could happen, limited interaction with the teacher if any, and the emails that are needed are just a few of the differences.

7.8. h. Course Syllabus: Contact with a professor of the class structure and layout. This usually has the expected outcomes of the course. It is vital to understand the syllabus.

7.9. i. Learning Portfolio: Demonstrates connections between all the disciplines and it should be unique to you and it usually done online.

7.10. j. No Excuses: You舗re an adult, act like it. College is different, not difficult.

7.11. k. Resources: Go after resources, don舗t wait for them to come to you. Write down all the resources and memorize it.

7.11.1. i. Resources = Human

7.11.2. ii. 舠Who are my resources?舡 1. Proactive relationships 2. Professors: Find a common ground with them and have a positive focus, follow expectations, and eventually they can be helpful when writing letters of recommendation. 3. Classmates: Power of collaboration, study groups, and diversity. 4. Dean/Provost/Chancellor: Rare occurences 5. Tutors: Tutoring can benefit both parties involved. 6. Other Supportive People: Other offices can help you as well. Self-advocate. This includes clubs. l. Bottom Line: Be proactive, keep a database, and maximize resources.

8. 4. Chapter 4: Managing Time

8.1. a. Time moves in one direction: Forward

8.2. b. Balancing Time

8.2.1. i. What comes first for you?

8.3. c. Conflicts

8.3.1. i. Prioritize and improvise

8.4. d. It IS Personal

8.4.1. i. What can we sacrifice in order to keep this balance?

8.5. e. Enjoy everything that you do is the secret.

8.6. f. Procrastination

8.6.1. i. Do, Due, and Dew. 1. :舡Due dates, not do dates, but don舗t let opportunities dry up like morning dew.舡

8.6.2. ii. Plan ahead. Be proactive.

8.7. g. Multitasking

8.7.1. i. It is not possible.

8.8. h. You have to use goal setting in time management in order to get things in order and done.

8.9. i. Act like a higher learner.

9. 6. Chapter 6: Motivation

9.1. a. What is it?

9.1.1. i. Not just a want.

9.1.2. ii. Movement!

9.2. b. Goal Setting

9.2.1. i. Long vs. Short term like a road trip

9.2.2. ii. Challenge yourself with each one.

9.2.3. iii. Prescriptions 1. Urgency and Specific

9.3. c. Approaches to its management

9.3.1. i. Descriptive Models 1. Maslow舗s Hierarchy of Needs a. Self Actualization is the top tier 2. Drive-Hindrance Models a. 1. Drive b. 2. Hindrance c. Inhibition: Hindering thoughts/feelings/attitude d. Distractions: Hinders/distracts core drive e. Obstructions: Most concrete/apparent avoid making them to be excuses.

9.3.2. ii. Prescriptive Models 1. Conditioning a. Classical b. BK Skinner

10. 8. Chapter 8: Critical Thinking

10.1. a. Develop Metacognitive Strategies

10.1.1. i. Ask Questions

10.1.2. ii. Active Engagement: All stages are needed.

10.1.3. iii. Reflection: Advance stage of the Learning Cycle (see chapter 5)

10.2. b. Is it Logical?

10.2.1. i. Logic: Highly effective way to formalize thinking 1. Inductive reasoning 2. Deductive reasoning

10.2.2. ii. Inductive Reasoning in Action 1. Formality in Deduction a. Categorical Syollgism 2. Fallacious Reasoning a. Logical Fallacies 3. Reason in Leadership

10.3. c. Creativity

10.3.1. i. You are creative because being creative is to be alive

10.3.2. ii. Think outside the box

10.3.3. iii. Attitude affects creativity

11. 10. Chapter 10: Active Reading

11.1. a. Form a partnership

11.1.1. i. You want to engage with the author, reading is like having a conversation with them.

11.2. b. Question Everything

11.3. c. Break Down

11.3.1. i. Read the outline which is the headers and details

11.4. d. Note Taking and Reading

11.4.1. i. Highlight by color coding but don舗t overuse

11.4.2. ii. Marginal Notes

11.4.3. iii. Reactions

11.5. e. Meanings of Words

11.5.1. i. Modern usage of a word

11.6. f. How Written Ideas are Organized

11.6.1. i. Topics = subjects

11.6.2. ii. Supporting ideas

11.6.3. iii. Infer Reading

11.6.4. iv. 舠Little Pictures舡

11.7. g. Context Shape Meanings

11.7.1. i. Watch phrasing

11.7.2. ii. Understand the words

11.8. h. Understand what you Read

11.8.1. i. Encode and Decode

11.9. i. Skim

11.10. j. See the Forest

11.10.1. i. 1 tree 薔 Bunch of Trees 薔 The idea in the paragraphs

11.11. k. Speed Reading

11.12. l. Reading Across the Disciplines

11.12.1. i. Physical Science 1. Balancing act

11.12.2. ii. Social Sciences 1. The focus is on the meanings

11.12.3. iii. Humanities 1. This is to take parallels and apply them to your own life. Empathize.

11.13. m. Reading with a System

11.13.1. i. SQ#R but this is not good for higher learners.

11.14. n. Better SQ#R

11.14.1. i. Survey: Skim the content and structure

11.14.2. ii. Question: Ask the who, why, how, etc.

11.14.3. iii. Read: Break it down

11.14.4. iv. Reflect

11.14.5. v. Record: Hand write

11.14.6. vi. Recite

11.14.7. vii. Review: Talk with others about it

12. 12. Chapter 12: Public Speaking

12.1. a. Purpose: What do you hope to gain? Why are you doing it?

12.2. b. Organization

12.2.1. i. Introduce: Yourself and the Topic

12.2.2. ii. Main points

12.2.3. iii. Conclude

12.2.4. iv. Open for Questions

12.3. c. Audience

12.3.1. i. They are your classmates, not your teacher

12.3.2. ii. Language

12.3.3. iii. Tone

12.4. d. Material

12.4.1. i. Know the topic, not just the speech

12.5. e. Methods

12.5.1. i. Powerpoint 1. Easiest to read/present 2. Main points, not a wall of text

12.5.2. ii. Videos 1. Lightning 2. Audio 3. Camera Work 4. Edit it

12.5.3. iii. Props 1. Safe 2. Models

12.6. f. Back Time: How much time your back is to the wall.

12.7. g. Effective

12.7.1. i. Be in the moment

12.7.2. ii. Own it 1. Passion and be prepared

12.7.3. iii. Manage your time

12.7.4. iv. Involve the audience