Civics & Citizenship Concepts (Charlotte SG)


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Civics & Citizenship Concepts (Charlotte SG) por Mind Map: Civics & Citizenship Concepts (Charlotte SG)

1. Democracy: A system of government run by the people, for the people.

1.1. elected representatives

1.1.1. develop policies

1.1.2. develop laws

1.2. compulsory voting

2. Democratic Values: Beliefs and ideals held by our society as a democracy.

2.1. Respect

2.2. Equality

2.3. Fairness

2.4. Freedom

3. Westminster System: The basis of the Australian Government System

3.1. Parliamentary Government

3.1.1. Upper House

3.1.2. Lower House

3.1.3. Sovereign Queen Governor General

3.1.4. Head of Government Cabinet

3.1.5. Civil Service

3.1.6. Judiciary

4. Justice: People should treat each other in a manner that is fair and balanced.

4.1. legal system

4.1.1. courts fair trial presumption of innocents consequences deterrent

5. Participation: The way good citizens contribute to society.

5.1. voting

5.2. paying tax

5.3. protesting

5.4. signing petitions

5.5. contacting local politicians

5.6. running for parliament

5.7. participating on a jury

6. Rights & Responsibilities: Our entitlements and duties as citizens.

6.1. Rights

6.1.1. voting

6.1.2. protection of property

6.1.3. trial by jury

6.1.4. freedom of religion

6.1.5. protection against discrimination

6.2. Responsibilities

6.2.1. voting in elections

6.2.2. jury service

6.2.3. paying tax

6.2.4. obeying the law