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Quality Management por Mind Map: Quality Management

1. What is Quality?

1.1. Means that a product should meets its specifications. this a problematical for software systems.

2. Scope

2.1. Complex systems and small systems.

3. SW process and SW Quality.

3.1. The quality of developed SW is influenced by the quality of the production process, there is a very complex and poorly understood relationship between them.

3.1.1. Imposing inappropriate process standard could reduce the product quality Process-based quality

4. Quality Planning

4.1. Quality Control.

5. Quality management should be separate from project management to ensure independence.

6. Definition

6.1. Ensuring that the required level of quality is achieved in a software product.

6.1.1. Involves defining appropriate quality standards and procedures and ensuring that these are followed

7. Activities.

7.1. Quality Assurance