Perfil del Emprendedor

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Perfil del Emprendedor por Mind Map: Perfil del Emprendedor

1. 1. In 1971John Draper discovered that a whistle offered in boxes of cereal for breakfast could generate a 2,600 Hz signal use by AT&T phone Company and by using it you could make free calls.

2. 10. Cybercrime: IP SPOOFING

3. 11. Mozilla Firefox displays a lock when the websites are secure

4. 12. Private networks can be attacked by intruders who attempt to obtain information

5. 13. The most common methods of protection are passwords, Firewalls, Encryption and Decryption systems

6. 15. A worn is a self-copying program

7. 16. A trojan horse is disguised as a useful program

8. 17. Spyware collect information from your PC without your consent.

9. 18. Most spyware and adware controls the advertisment that suddenly pop-up in your screen.

10. 19. To protect crucial data, companies hire security consultants who analyse the risk and provide solutions.

11. 20.Cybercrime: PIRACY

12. 21. Cybercrime: Spreading of malicious softwares

13. 22.Cybercrime: PHISHING

14. 23. Secure methods: SSH

15. 24. Security is crucial when you send confidential information online.

16. 27. If you use online banking services make sure they have the right certification.

17. 29. Please use secure passwords

18. 30. Use anti DoS methods

19. 2. In 1974 Kevin Mitnick, a legend among hackers, began hacking into banking networks and altering the credit reports of his enemies.

20. 3. In 1981 Ian Murphy,a 23 year old guy known as Captain Zap on the networks, hacked into the White House and the Pentagon

21. 4. In 1987The IBM international Network was paralysed by a Hacker’s Christmas Message

22. 5. In 1988 The Union Bank of Switzerland almost lost £ 32millionto Hackers

23. 6. In 1989 a fifteen year old hacker cracked the US Defence Computer

24. 7. In 1991 Kevin Poulsen, known as Dark Dante on the networks, was accused of steling military files

25. 8. Cybercrime: PLAGARISM

26. 9. Cybercrime: CYBERSTALKING

27. 14. Malware (malicious software)

28. 28. System designed to send email privately is Pretty Good Privacy, a freeware program written by Phil Zimmerman