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Portfolios por Mind Map: Portfolios

1. Evaluation

1.1. Co-evaluation

1.2. Self-evaluation

1.3. Hetero-evaluation

2. Types

2.1. Process portfolio

2.2. Product portfolio

3. Purposes

3.1. Self-directed learning

3.2. Focused on what is learned

3.3. Fosters learning about learning

3.4. Shows progress

3.5. Students value their progress

3.6. Peer-supported growth

3.7. Responsibility

4. Benefits

4.1. Develop evaluation criteria

4.2. Use criteria to evaluate their work

4.3. Self-reflection about students' progress

5. Assessment

5.1. Formatively

5.2. Summatively

6. Characteristics

6.1. Monitors student's progress

6.2. Variety of activities

6.3. Collaborative reflection

6.4. Personalized