Digital Literacy - Word Processing

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Digital Literacy - Word Processing por Mind Map: Digital Literacy - Word Processing

1. Formatting

1.1. Font Type, size, colour

1.2. Bold, italic, underline

1.3. Other, strikethrough, etc

1.4. Format Painter, Clear formatting

1.5. Bullet and Numbered lists

1.6. Align, justify

1.7. Tabs, indent

1.8. Line spacing

1.9. Using and changing styles

1.10. Inserting pages, page breaks

1.11. Pages

1.11.1. Page colours

1.11.2. Margin sizes

1.11.3. Orientation

1.11.4. Adding, formatting page borders

1.12. Columns, column breaks

1.13. Delete vs Backspace

1.14. Insert vs Overwrite

1.15. Lesson ideas

2. Editing

2.1. Copy, cut, paste

2.2. Paste Special

2.3. Undo, redo

2.4. Lesson ideas

3. Tools

3.1. Find and replace

3.2. Research tool

3.3. Spellcheck

3.4. Grammar Check

3.5. Theasaurus

3.6. Changing page views

3.7. Ruler and gridlines

3.8. Macros

4. Publishing tools

4.1. Cover Pages

4.2. Hyperlinks

4.3. Bookmarks, cross referencing

4.4. Headers, footers

4.5. Page numbers

4.6. Footnotes, endnotes

4.7. Drop Cap

4.8. Combine documents

4.9. Section breaks

4.10. Line numbering

4.11. Auto hyphenation

4.12. Watermarks

4.13. Creating, adding to and editing table of contents

4.14. Using and managing citations

4.15. Bibliographies

4.16. Table of figures

4.17. Add an index

4.18. Word Count

4.19. Document templates

4.20. Adding date and time

4.21. Using themes

5. Tables

5.1. Inserting a table

5.2. Adding, inserting rows / columns

5.3. Formatting tables

5.4. Charts

6. Insert

6.1. Images

6.1.1. From internet

6.1.2. From clipart

6.1.3. From Network

6.1.4. Included shapes

6.1.5. SmartArt

6.1.6. Screen captures

6.1.7. Ordering using the selection pane

6.1.8. Adding captions

6.1.9. Scanning non IT images

6.2. Text

6.2.1. Text Box

6.2.2. WordArt

6.3. Equations, symbols, special characters

7. Mail merge

7.1. Template letter

7.2. Template label

7.3. link to data source

8. Reviewing

8.1. Adding comments

8.2. Using tracking

8.3. Navigation Pane

8.4. Arrange, split windows

9. Developer Tab

9.1. Add ActiveX controls

10. Shortcuts

10.1. Double, triple clicks

10.2. Click and drag to highlight

10.3. Highlight text with a keyboard

10.4. Tab, ctrl tab to move around

10.5. Home and End keys

11. Introduction

11.1. What is word processing?

11.2. Examples of use in the 'real world'