Graphic Organizer Module 3

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1. Wiobyrne. (2018, May 11). What is "Critical Literacy" in Education? Retrieved from What is “Critical Literacy” in Education?

2. How Literacy isn't Different in the Digital Age:

2.1. Functional literacy is still needed in order to comprehend literal meanings of text.

2.2. Literal comprehension must also be focused on during skills learning.

2.3. If students are unable to reach a literal comprehension, they will struggle at the critical thinking/skills required in digital literacy.

2.4. Paper-based texts still play a large role in the digital age - state assessments are still largely paper based.

3. References

3.1. Leu, D. J., Kinzer, C. K., Coiro, J. L., & Cammack, D. W. (2004). Toward a theory of new literacies emerging from the Internet and other information and communication technologies. Theoretical models and processes of reading, 5(1), 1570-1613.

3.2. Leu, D.J., Forzani, E., Rhoads, C., Maykel, C., Kennedy, C., & Timbrell, N. (2015). The new literacies of online research and comprehension: Rethinking the reading achievement gap. Reading Research Quarterly, 50(1), 37-59.

4. How Literacy is Different in the Digital Age:

4.1. Literacy is no longer just focused on the ability to read and write text.

4.2. New Literacies Include:

4.2.1. 1. Using a search engine to find reliable information.

4.2.2. 2. Evaluating the accuracy and usefulness of information online.

4.2.3. 3. Using a word processor effectively and efficiently.

4.2.4. 4. Participating in online discussions productively.

4.2.5. 5. Using email efficiently.

4.2.6. 6. Inferring what information may be found at a hyperlink.

4.2.7. (Leu, 2004).

5. The CCSS have included digital literacies in their standards.

6. CCSS Impacts Classroom Literacies By:

6.1. 1. Placing a higher emphasis on higher-level thinking during reading and writing instruction.

6.2. 2. Focusing on acquiring skills in digital literacies of online research and comprehension.

6.3. (Leu, 2015).

6.4. Students shift from literal reading and writing to analyzing precision of language for a specific digital task to think critically.

6.5. For example - learning the importance of precise language through keyword searches,

6.6. Shift from teacher-centered learning to student-centered learning. Classroom learning shifts to giving students autonomy over their learning

7. Comprehension is More Complicated in the Digital Age.

7.1. Critical Literacy is NOT a mirror to the world.

7.2. Important to navigate texts to arrive at trustworthy representations of the world.

7.3. Read the world through words - investigate and solve problems in the world through navigation of digital texts.

7.4. Teach how texts are conscious of how language and visual images work together to create meaning.

7.5. (O'Byrne, 2018).