Why students do not reach intermidiate English after finished high school in public schools?

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Why students do not reach intermidiate English after finished high school in public schools? por Mind Map: Why students do not reach intermidiate English after finished high school in public schools?

1. Home issues

1.1. Parents do not motivate their teens to practice English.

1.2. Parents can not read and write to check their teens´ homework.

1.2.1. Parents divorce

2. Principal

3. Teachers

3.1. Teachers can speak English but they can not teach.

4. Classroom enviroment

4.1. The ministry of Education have not given adminidtration supplier such as audiovisual sources and a specific English sources.

4.1.1. They do not provided more job oportunities to English teachers capable to teach. They do not provided online English courses. Lack of vision from MINED to see English as one of the main strong language to develop job oportunities.

5. Students

6. Ministry of Education

6.1. Teachers can speak English but they can not teach.

6.1.1. Teachers do not have specialization in English. students do not pay atention when they are in English Classes. Students do not want to learn English.