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Simplicity por Mind Map: Simplicity

1. thoughtful

1.1. We're thinking ahead to subvert possible snags.

2. initiative

2.1. For any issue or opportunity, we'll take the first step

3. experienced

3.1. We are not caught off guard because this isn't our first rodeo.

4. competent

4.1. We know what we're doing, and put that know-how to use for our clients

5. frictionless

5.1. everything that's necessary, and nothing more

6. Clean/Crisp

6.1. communication about starts and stops are defined and definitive

7. stress free

7.1. We've got it under control, so you don't have to worry

8. handled

8.1. We're looking out for and taking care of our clients

9. follow-through

9.1. We have internal controls for accountability and don't put that on to the client to follow up.

10. focus

10.1. Project scope is clear and we don't deviate from that without a clear reason/process to do so.