How to prepare for high school, also college

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How to prepare for high school, also college por Mind Map: How to prepare for high school, also college

1. It's about ownership and beyond college - President John R. Kroger from Reed College, which Steve Jobs Co-Founder of Apple went

1.1. What is a Successful College Education?

1.1.1. learning a set of core intellectual capabilities Thinking critically. Learning to read quickly, carefully, and efficiently. Learning how to write—not just to write well, but to write with confidence, to write with joy. Speaking effectively, clearly, and persuasively when you’re in a group of your peers. Learning how to experiment in a lab. Speaking a foreign language. Knowing how to make art, and having the courage to make art. Learning to criticize art: to know what kind of art you love, and what kind you do not. Analyzing problems quantitatively and statistically. Thinking algorithmically. Working effectively within teams of diverse individuals. And finally, developing a deep appreciation for the diversity of human practices and values across time and place.

1.1.2. developing character The habits and values they develop in college—their sense of what is important in life, what kind of person they want to be, and how they will treat other people—are likely to stay with them for a long time. This is, in short, a critical period not just intellectually, but ethically. Don’t read one article—read 27 articles. Don’t just parrot back the assignment—figure out what’s wrong with those articles, develop your own hypothesis, imagine what you could do to test out your ideas. Don’t be satisfied with incomplete data—go back to the lab, try something different, develop a better foundation for your thinking. what kind of an impression or impact we’re making on the people around us, and what we can add to the community the ability of students to challenge themselves. It is about challenging yourself by taking on intellectual and artistic projects that are probably beyond your capability. Every student, every family, should develop its own list.

1.1.3. pursuing rich positive experiences College is a huge percentage of your kid’s life. They are going to spend four, maybe five, years here. That’s at least five percent of their entire life, if they are fortunate enough to live to age eighty. Students should not major in a field because they imagine it will be useful. They should major in a subject they love. This is in part because you’re more likely to work hard at something you enjoy. But I also believe that in life, people who have the courage to do what they love ultimately have the most success. That’s why I think it’s so important to get students into the habit of taking a risk and doing what they love, not what they think is safe.

1.1.4. self-definition It is critical, during the years from 18 to 22, that students begin to evolve into adults with their own sets of values, beliefs, and style—ones that they have chosen for themselves, not ones that have been inherited or received from others. They need to take time when they’re in college to think about what’s truly important to them. Do they believe in God? What kind of God? If they don’t believe in God, what provides the foundation of their values? What are the values that they want to pursue and espouse for the rest of their lives? What aesthetic and personal style do they want to present to the outside world? If they fail to ask and answer these questions, as least provisionally, they will be societally programmed robots, not human beings.

1.1.5. preparing for the future. A place like Reed should be like a trampoline. You jump on it, and there’s a little bit of resistance, and it’s difficult. After four years, however, it should blow you out into orbit with a sense of power to live a life of meaning and purpose. College should not prepare you for your first job, but for the rest of your life. What kind of work will sustain me? What kind of rewards do I want? What kind of financial, personal, and societal goals will give my life value? that the students who take the time to identify goals are the ones who get the most out of their education

2. Michael's College Counseling

2.1. college fitting

2.2. high school planning

2.3. career exploration (beyond college)

2.4. education ownership

2.5. case management and preparation

2.6. LearnMast Should we motivate our children? Or teach our children how to motivate themselves? We believe that with the right environment, self-motivation, and side-by-side counseling, children can begin to take responsibility for their learning and develop a clear path to educational success. “Personal insight is imperative. If children fail to use self-reflection to find out what they really want to do, then society will simply tell them what to do.”—Michael Cho, Founder & President With a foundation from LearnMast, we can expect our children to expect more from themselves. We provide four main services: Online Support Students can stay connected to a real counselor Homework guided study This is not a tutoring session, but rather a supportive environment to encourage self-teaching. Bi-weekly goal meetings We determine and set reachable goals Guided Study Space Each Wednesday after school, we meet to study and be productive, while also being mindful on what we are working towards.

3. How to sign up

4. Last thought

4.1. Aristotle says that if you are an archer, you’re unlikely to hit your target if you don’t know what you are aiming for. In the same way, Aristotle suggests, you can’t achieve your goals unless you know what they are.

4.2. We equip them with bows and arrows but identify no targets.

5. Do you know what your children want

5.1. A Discussion with Parents

5.1.1. Lifestyle after College

5.1.2. Many more...

5.1.3. Career Exploration

5.1.4. Activity Interest

5.1.5. Strength & Weakness

6. Understand what matters to college

6.1. What college wants

6.1.1. Institutional Mission The mission guides the purposes of the institution. Incorporating a commitment to access and success within an institution’s mission statement is a deliberative process involving campus stakeholders, governing boards, communities, businesses, and the public. This section includes examples of process questions to consider and examples from institutions laying the foundation for commitment to access through their mission statements. Renew our commitment to Stanford's founding purpose to promote public welfare by exercising influence on behalf of humanity. Anchor our efforts in integrity, ethics, inclusion, and human welfare. Advance our mission as a research university to serve as a place of enlightenment and freedom of thought and expression. The distinctive mission of the University is to serve society as a center of higher learning, providing long-term societal benefits through transmitting advanced knowledge, discovering new knowledge, and functioning as an active working repository of organized knowledge. declared his intention to establish "in this immense and fast-growing city ... a system of rational and practical education fitting for all and graciously opened to all." to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful

6.1.2. Communal competitiveness Academic GPA Class Rank Rigor of Curriculum, in comparison to students in the nearby district Standardized Test SAT ACT SAT2 AP Engagement outside of classroom Extracurriculum Community service Work experience Personal Quality Letter of recommendation Essays Interview report from counselors (in comparison from other students) Aspiration/Career Hooks and Institutional Priorities Legacy connection Donation potential Underrepresented race or ethnicity Socioeconomic and geographic background Exceptional talents

7. It’s about fit

7.1. It Doesn't Matter Where You Go to College

7.1.1. When evaluating college applicants, admissions officers aren’t just looking for the applicants with the best grades and test scores; they’re also looking to see who would best fit into the campus community. Every college is different in terms of campus culture, academics, college life and more, but they’re all looking to build a well-rounded class of specialists that will not only thrive and graduate in four years, but also meet the school’s institutional needs. Students should look for best-fit colleges while colleges look for best-fit students.

7.1.2. In 1999, economists Alan Krueger and Stacy Berg Dale published a widely read study that compared the earnings of graduates of elite colleges with those of “moderately selective” schools. The latter group was composed of people who had been admitted to an elite college but chose to attend another school. The economists found that the earnings of the two groups 20 years after graduation differed little or not at all.

7.1.3. Kris Stadelman, director of the NOVA Workforce Investment Board in Silicon Valley, is a leader in understanding how hiring criteria changed in California. “Employers are interested in what skills you bring and how these skills can be used in their business,” she says. In one study, NOVA interviewed tech employers and learned that mastery of current technologies is the most critical factor in their hiring decisions. Few employers even mentioned college degrees as a factor. ”Especially in the tech industry, employers want to see skills applications rather than traditional resumes. Show, don’t tell,” says Stadelman. Do Elite Colleges Lead to Higher Salaries? Only for Some Professions If a student enjoy learning and has interest in the subject, most likely they will success more than others.

7.2. Degree and Skills (Majors) Matters more

7.2.1. The Economic Value of College Majors

7.2.2. Measuring the value of education : Career Outlook: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

8. Learning Objective

8.1. Students: Gain a sense of control over their own education and knowledges to cultivate their own education and career path

8.1.1. Larry Ellison usc - YouTube

8.1.2. Student Ownership and Meaningful Student Involvement – SoundOut

8.2. Parents: Clarify the purpose of studying in University in America and gain knowledges to support their children to succeed in life, beyond college admission.

8.2.1. 80% returning to china

8.2.2. often caught in between two culture and unfit for either China or America

8.2.3. 18% less call back from job application

8.2.4. So why did you bring your children for American education? I want them to have a successful life anywhere in the world then think beyond college