Theories of Emotion

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Theories of Emotion por Mind Map: Theories of Emotion

1. Schachter - Singer Theory

2. Event> Physiological> Identify the reason for the> Emotion

3. The Two Factor Theory

4. Physiological and cognitive responses simultaneously form the experience of emotion

5. Created by Stanley Schachter and Jerome Singer in 1962

6. James - Lang Theory

7. The experience of emotion is due to the perception of your physiologic responce

8. Event> Physiologic response> Intepretation of> Emotion

9. Created by Willam James in 1890 and Carl Lange in 1885

10. Cannon - Bard Theory

11. Created by Walter Cannon in 1929 and Philip Bard in 1942

12. Event> Phusiological Response> Emotion

13. The physiolgical resposes and the experience of emotion both occur simultaneously

14. A person could experience physiological arosal without feeling any particular emotion

15. Many different emotions have the same pattrens of physiological response