The Causes of War

This mindmap outlines the causes of most wars

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The Causes of War por Mind Map: The Causes of War

1. Economic

1.1. Inequality

1.2. Poverty

1.3. Wealth

1.4. Inbalance

1.5. Unemployment

1.6. Wages

1.7. Investment

1.8. Spending

2. Political

2.1. Leaders

2.2. Territory

2.3. Power


2.5. Silence

2.6. Failure

2.7. Money

2.8. Military

3. Social

3.1. Diversity

3.1.1. Race

3.1.2. Gender

3.2. Religion

3.2.1. Philosophy

3.2.2. Extremism

3.2.3. Difference

3.2.4. Twisting words

3.2.5. Beliefs

3.2.6. Obligation

3.2.7. Principles

3.3. Alliances

3.3.1. Competition

3.3.2. Enemies

4. Moral

4.1. Lying

4.2. Violence

4.3. Murder

4.4. Envy

4.5. Stealing

4.6. Slander

4.7. Illegal activity

4.8. Cheating

4.9. Descrimination

4.10. Negligence