Weston Murphy: Munchin' with Murph': This will be a site dedicated to highlighting my daily pass...

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Weston Murphy: Munchin' with Murph': This will be a site dedicated to highlighting my daily passion of food and fitness. por Mind Map: Weston Murphy: Munchin' with Murph': This will be  a site dedicated to highlighting my daily passion of food and fitness.

1. Contact Information

1.1. The Contact Information page will include basic ways that I can be contacted. More than likely this will include my phone numer, as well as social media pages.

1.1.1. Graphic Design, With QR code

1.1.2. Social Media Provide my social medias so that people an come into contact with me in other ways.

2. Resources

2.1. The Resources page will include information citing the sorces or information that I chose to include to use in my website.

2.1.1. Cover Letter and Resume

3. Media

3.1. Professional Web 2.0 Resources

3.2. Social Media Powerpoint Presentation

3.3. Emerging Technologies Blog

3.4. Digital Story Video

4. The Media Page will be where I put the media oriented technologies of my website. I think this will be heelpful so all of the media will be in one easy place for viewers to visit.

5. Tagline: My mission is to influence and inspire others by presenting my passions for food and fitness within my everyday life. I hope to show others that you can eat what you want and workout hard in order to craft an ideal lifestyle for yourself.

6. Extras

6.1. Google Products (group) Reaeearch and Presentation

6.2. Screencast Presentation

6.3. App Prototype

7. The Extras page will provide a space for the included technologies that do not neccesarily fit into another categorey.

8. Home Page

8.1. This Home page will explain what type of website this is. I will want to characterize that this website is going to be an introspective look into my life. It is going to track and illuminate my daily interaction with food as well as coinciding information about my daily fitness pursuits.

8.1.1. Digital Logo

8.1.2. Google Form Collect information on peoples thoughts about fitness and food. (Favorite Food, What they do for excersize, ETC).

8.1.3. Social Media Link a social media pages of famous food or fitness people who influence me.

8.1.4. Infographic Data about fitness and food that refelcts the importance of the website.

9. About me

9.1. The About Me page is going to characterize myself as a person. It will work to explain my passion for both food and fitness. I will give ommon knowledge about myself and who I am as a person. Once viewers get understanding of me as a person, I will go into my passions and how I wanted to convey them through this website.

9.1.1. Digital Photo Editing

9.1.2. Animation

9.1.3. Screen Shot