Rise Of Big Businesses and the Transformation of American Life

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Rise Of Big Businesses and the Transformation of American Life por Mind Map: Rise Of Big Businesses and the Transformation of American Life

1. Industrial Growth

1.1. Major Industries

1.1.1. Railroad Defeat of the Seasons American Railway Association Transcontinental Railroad Union Pacific & Central Pacific Cornelius Vanderbuilt William Henry Vanderbuilt Collis P. Huntington John Morgan (Banker)

1.1.2. Steel Andrew Carneige John Morgan

1.1.3. Oil Edwin L. Drake John D. Rockefeller Standard Oil Company

2. Ethical and Unethical Practices

2.1. Ethical

2.1.1. Becoming a Corporation

2.1.2. Vertical Intergation

2.1.3. Horizontal Intergation

2.2. Unethical

2.2.1. Pools

2.2.2. Trust Rockefeller first trust Legal In NJ Standard Oil Trust

2.2.3. Gifts

3. Marketing and Development of a National Consumers Market

3.1. R.H Macy and Marshall Field

3.2. F.W Woolworth (5 & 10 cent Store)

3.3. Clearance Racks

3.4. Shelves

4. Men's Sense Of Masculinity

4.1. Unable to do physical Attributes

4.2. Coping

4.2.1. Emphasized elements of masculinity

4.3. Fraternities

5. New Immigration

5.1. Contract Labor Law

5.2. Immigration Process (Ellis Island)

5.3. Ethnic Communities

5.4. Asian Immigration

5.4.1. Railroads hired Chinese

5.4.2. Charles Crocker (Engineer for building central Pacific)

5.4.3. Chinese Experience Society Isolation (China Town) Laundryman Signature Trade Chinese Prostitution

6. Urbanization/Living Conditions

6.1. Shift to agriculture to Industrialization

6.2. Dumbell tennement

6.3. factories polluted air

6.4. implement water filtration

7. Industrial Approaching Philanthropy

7.1. The Gospel Of Wealth

7.1.1. Andrew Carneige

8. Important Inventions

8.1. Gustance Swift

8.1.1. Effective Ice-cooled Railroad

8.2. Alexander Bell

8.2.1. Telephone

8.3. Thomas Edison

8.3.1. Electric Light Bulb

8.4. Revolutionized business transactions and changes in social life

9. Working, Middle, Elite Class

9.1. Elite

9.1.1. Display Wealth

9.1.2. Luxurious Homes

9.1.3. Opulent Parties

9.2. Working

9.2.1. 7 million people worked for wages

9.2.2. John Chambers (Nation of employees)

9.3. Middle Class

9.3.1. Mechanical Industry

10. Company Towns

10.1. Debt Slavery

10.2. Extraction Industries in Rural Areas

10.3. Scribe (Currency)

11. Work Environment

11.1. (1870) Women Were employed

11.2. Household dynamic changed

11.3. Female Work Experience Black vs. White

11.4. Child Labor

11.5. Factories vs. Argicultrure

11.6. Machines replaced skilled workers

12. Glided Age

12.1. Politics Dead Center

12.2. Republican (Union Veterans)

12.3. Democrats (Former Confederates)

12.4. Government Corruption

12.4.1. Political Rings

12.4.2. Machine

12.4.3. Influenced Government policy