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Youth culture por Mind Map: Youth culture

1. 1a what's up?

1.1. Hold on

1.1.1. Wait

1.2. What are you up to?

1.2.1. What are you doing at the moment?

1.3. You can not be serious!

1.3.1. I don't agree with you

1.4. How is it Going?

1.4.1. How are you?

1.5. Nice one!

1.5.1. Great!

2. 1c That's me

2.1. A big fan of

2.2. Can not stand

2.3. Interested in

2.4. found of

2.5. Finds boring

2.6. Hate

2.7. Are into

3. 1d Keep in touch

3.1. Keeep in touch

3.2. Give me a call

3.3. Returned my call

3.4. Lost touch

3.5. Drop you a line

3.6. Have a word with

3.7. Recive a reply

4. 1d Good role models

4.1. Raising star

4.2. Well known

4.3. Become aware of

4.4. Was in a position to

4.5. Understand

4.6. Popular

4.7. Realise

4.8. Clean

4.9. Clear

4.10. Beat

4.11. Win

5. 1e Friendly faces

5.1. Quick tempered

5.2. Confident

5.3. Outgoing

5.4. Honest

5.5. Bossy

5.6. Lazy

5.7. Shy