FNMI & Technology

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FNMI & Technology por Mind Map: FNMI & Technology

1. Google Earth

1.1. Learn about Indigenous Culture through pre-made Voyages

1.2. Explore sacred lands and reserves

2. Pinterest

2.1. Find art projects and craft ideas

2.1.1. Dreamcatchers

2.1.2. Wampum Belts

2.1.3. Cornhusk Dolls

2.1.4. Paper Plate Rattles

2.1.5. Medicine Pouch

3. Videos and Film

3.1. National Film Board

3.2. Interviews with Elders

3.3. Residential School Videos

4. Kahoot

4.1. Create quizzes for formative assessment about FNMI learning

5. Google Slides

5.1. Create a presentation on FNMI

6. Zoom

6.1. have video conferences with Elders to learn about their culture

7. Youtube

7.1. Listen to music of Indigenous culures

7.2. Watch the traditional Pow-wow dance and Drum dance

8. Websites

8.1. ELA

8.1.1. Learn languages

8.1.2. Aboriginal Literature

8.2. Math

8.2.1. Mayan Math

8.2.2. Tipi Lesson Plan

8.3. Science

8.3.1. Aboriginal Science

8.3.2. Niitsitapiisini

8.4. Music

8.4.1. Red Bull Music

8.4.2. Edmonton Métis Dancers

8.5. Social Studies

8.5.1. Blood Tribe

8.5.2. FNMI Law Centre of Canada

9. SeeSaw

9.1. Practice and record pronouncing words of Indigenous languages

9.2. Create exit tickets involving FNMI learning

10. Comic Life

10.1. Create a comic that properly represents the culture, language and dress of an Indigenous group