Beyond Performance 2.0

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Beyond Performance 2.0 por Mind Map: Beyond Performance 2.0

1. Intro: Excellence found

1.1. change program failures

1.2. organisation as greatest invention of all time

2. Part 1

2.1. 1. Performance and Health

2.1.1. equal emphasis

2.1.2. five frames sufficiently complex simple as possible change journey divided

2.2. 2. The Science of Change

2.2.1. research

3. Part 2: The Five Frames

3.1. 3. Aspire

3.1.1. strategic objectives measurable managable

3.1.2. commensurate health goals

3.1.3. rigor & precision

3.2. 4. Assess

3.2.1. change readiness

3.2.2. skillset requirements

3.2.3. mindset shifts

3.3. 5. Architect

3.3.1. bankable plan

3.3.2. influence levers

3.4. 6. Act

3.4.1. manage the journey

3.5. 7. Advance

4. Part 3: Putting it all together

4.1. Ch. 8. The Senior leaders role

4.2. 9. The Change Leaders Role

4.3. 10. Making it Happen: Do you have what it takes?