Comienza Ya. Es Gratis
ó regístrate con tu dirección de correo electrónico
HUMSS por Mind Map: HUMSS

1. English 1

1.1. Reporting

1.1.1. Speech choir

1.2. Reporting

1.2.1. Quiz

1.3. Activity

2. Science

2.1. Bigbang

2.2. Different kinds of form of rock

2.3. Composition of the earth's atmosphere

2.4. The major sphare of earth

3. E-Tech

3.1. Typing master

3.1.1. Family link

3.2. Making a spread sheet

3.3. Making a gmail account

3.4. Blog article

4. P.E

4.1. Performance

4.1.1. Side bend

4.2. Practicum

4.2.1. Front of truck

4.3. Dips

4.3.1. Push-ups

4.4. Calf stretch

4.4.1. V-ups

4.5. s

5. Socsci 3

5.1. Reportings

5.2. shortfilm

5.3. Quiz

5.4. Activity


6.1. Performance

6.1.1. Job interview

6.1.2. Quiz

6.1.3. Reaction paper

6.1.4. Essay

6.1.5. Debate


7.1. Quiz

7.1.1. Reporting

7.2. Performance

7.2.1. Reflection

7.3. Roleplay

7.4. Spoken

8. Socsci1

8.1. Performance

8.2. Quiz

8.3. Pottery

8.4. Function of art

8.5. Curving

8.6. History art

9. Bible

9.1. Peformance

9.2. Law books

9.3. Didactic poetry

9.4. major prophet

9.5. Minor prophets

10. Math

10.1. math formula

10.1.1. solvings

10.1.2. Quiz