Learning Journey into Poetry - Grade 4

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Learning Journey into Poetry - Grade 4 por Mind Map: Learning Journey into Poetry - Grade 4

1. 3. Explore, define, and experiment with different literary devices

1.1. Soundplay in Poetry

1.1.1. Aliteration

1.1.2. Onomatopoeia

1.1.3. Rhyme

1.2. Word Play

1.2.1. Nonsense Words

1.2.2. Spoonerisms

1.2.3. Neologisms

1.2.4. Puns

1.3. Imagery

1.3.1. Simile

1.3.2. Metaphor

1.3.3. Personification

2. 2. Explore a range of poems to identify purpose, intended audience and subject matter

2.1. Purpose

2.2. Intended Audience

2.3. Subject Matter

3. 1. Develop a class definition of poetry & set learning intentions.

3.1. Students share & discuss poetry they enjoy

3.2. Introduce a range of poetry styles

3.2.1. Haiku

3.2.2. Limerick

3.2.3. Ode

3.2.4. Free verse

3.2.5. Narrative

3.3. Develop a goal for public sharing of students work at the end of the learning journey

3.3.1. Poetry anthology

3.3.2. Poetry posters

3.3.3. Performance at assembly

3.3.4. A Poetry Festival

3.3.5. Poems published in the class newsletter

3.3.6. A book of poetry for the library

4. 4. Explore and experiment with storytelling in poetry

4.1. Narrative Poetry

4.2. Performance Poetry

4.2.1. word texture

4.2.2. rhythms & beat

4.2.3. movement

4.2.4. drama

5. 5. Planning and Writing

5.1. Students identify purpose, intended audience, style, and subject matter

5.2. Students decide on the literary devices to be used

5.3. Students choose how their poems are to be published

5.4. Students draft poems

5.5. Collaborative and Individual work

6. 9. Publishing & Public Sharing

6.1. Celebrate works published

6.2. Reflect on the learning journey

6.2.1. Personal reflection

6.2.2. Class reflection

6.2.3. Teacher reflection

6.3. Provide feedback

6.3.1. Peer

6.3.2. Teacher