The supply chain of the Dell notebook

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The supply chain of the Dell notebook por Mind Map: The supply chain of the Dell notebook

1. Orders

1.1. Over the phone or over

1.1.1. Signals based on every ordered component

1.1.2. Efficient

2. Components from all over the world

2.1. 30 key components

2.1.1. The CLD display

2.1.2. The memory

2.1.3. The motherboard

2.1.4. ......

3. Downloading software

3.1. Microsoft

3.2. Norton Utilities

3.3. Other software applications

3.4. According to the customer

4. the factories

4.1. Limerick, Ireland

4.2. Xiamen, China

4.3. Eldorado do Sul, Brazil

4.4. Nashville, Tennesee

4.5. Austin, Texas

4.6. Penang, Malaysia

4.7. minutes to

4.7.1. Unload the parts

4.7.2. Register their bar codes

4.7.3. Put them into the bins for assembly

5. Pre order

5.1. Personal information

5.2. billing adress

5.3. Credit card

5.3.1. Vsia card

5.4. Shipping adress