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Kaylee Evans por Mind Map: Kaylee Evans

1. Currently stay at home mom

1.1. when I go back to work, I want to be a behavioral interventionist

1.1.1. Worked with troubled kids before and loved it

2. I will graduate in Spring of 2020

2.1. I will have my Bachelors in Multidisciplinary studies

2.2. I have attended BSU the last 2 years

3. I enjoy....

3.1. Singing in the shower

3.1.1. Dancing Spending time with my family Reading

3.2. The outdoors and nature

4. 5 favorite things...

4.1. #1 MY SON

4.1.1. #2 Good food #3 TATTOOS #4 Icecream

5. Married my high school sweetheart

5.1. Been together for 10 years

5.1.1. Have a 3 year old son

6. Youngest of 3

6.1. Two older brothers

7. I value.....

7.1. Honesty above all

7.1.1. Integrity Dedication Self Respect

8. GOALS...

8.1. Buy a house

8.1.1. Land my perfect career Invent something