Group Properties

Group Properties that fall part of Human Resource Management

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Group Properties por Mind Map: Group Properties

1. Status

1.1. Status and Norms

1.2. Status and Group Interaction

1.3. Status Inequity

1.4. Status and Stigmatisation

1.5. Group status

2. Size and Dynamics

2.1. Social Loafing

3. Cohesiveness

3.1. Cohesiveness

3.2. Performance Norms

3.3. Productivity

3.3.1. High Productivity

3.3.2. Low Productivity

3.3.3. Moderate Productivity

3.3.4. Moderate to Low Productivity

4. Roles

4.1. Role Perceptions

4.2. Role Expectations

4.2.1. psychological contract

4.3. Role Conflict

4.4. Role play and Assimilation

4.4.1. Zimbardo prison experiment

5. Norms

5.1. Norms and Emotions

5.2. Norms and Conformity

5.2.1. reference groups

5.3. Norms and Behaviour

5.4. Positive norms and group outcomes

5.5. Negative norms and group outcomes

5.5.1. deviant workplace behaviour

6. Diversity

6.1. Diversity

6.2. Faultiness