Jhon Forbes Nash

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Jhon Forbes Nash por Mind Map: Jhon Forbes Nash

1. He was born in Bluefield, Virginia, June 13, 1928 and died in Monroe, New Jersey, May 23, 2015

2. Ganó una beca en el concurso George Westinghouse. En junio de 1945 se matriculó en la actual Universidad Carnegie Mellon para estudiar ingeniería química

3. Albert Einstein and John von Neumann taught at Princeton University, something that motivated his eagerness to stand out and gain some recognition.

4. Initially Nash's mental illness manifested as paranoia; later his wife would describe his behavior as erratic. Nash seemed to believe that all the men who wore red ties were part of a group of communists who conspired against him; Nash would send letters to embassies in Washington, DC, stating that they were establishing a kind of government in the country.10 11 Their psychic problems would manifest themselves in their professional life when in one of their speeches on the Riemann Hypothesis given at the American Mathematical Society of Columbia University in 1959; Nash would be incomprehensible in his words, so his colleagues in the audience would immediately realize that something was wrong.

5. John Nash's contributions to the areas of Mathematics and Economics earned him numerous awards throughout his life. Among them, the following stand out: 1978 - John von Neumann Theory Award for his fundamental theoretical contributions to operational research. 1994 - Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in memory of Alfred Nobel for his analysis of the balance in the Theory of Non-Cooperative Games. 1999 - Leroy P. Steele Award from the American Mathematical Society for his fundamental contribution to mathematical research. 2010 - Double Helix Medal of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory for his work in defense of the rights of the mentally ill. 2015 - Abel Prize, for his work on partial differential equations.

6. He was an American mathematician.

7. Specialist in game theory, 2 differential geometry and partial derivative equations,

8. He invented a "mathematically perfect" game (on which Hex was later based) and in 1949 he wrote an article entitled Balance points in n-people games, 8 in which he defined Nash equilibrium