the study of language funtions

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the study of language funtions por Mind Map: the study of language funtions

1. the social component

1.1. cognitive component

1.1.1. environmental extension

1.2. perceptual patterns

1.3. gross motor movements

1.4. Neurosemantic language learning system

1.5. cognitive and social development

2. extended semantic relations

2.1. nonverbal and basic verbal

2.2. sensory patterns

2.3. expand the meaning of the statement

2.4. ability to relate

2.5. child's thinking and social development

2.6. perception that the child sees

2.7. sociocognitive process

3. social intentions

3.1. greet

3.2. reject

3.3. deny

3.4. existexist

3.5. deny and request.

4. language funtions

4.1. sociocognitive processes

4.2. neurosemantic language

4.3. language structures

4.4. are fundamental or basic

4.5. semantic characteristics

4.6. language acquisition process

4.7. social and cognitive development

5. semantic relationships

5.1. cognition or understanding of the child

5.2. learning the language

5.3. basic semantic relations of agent + action + object

6. preoperative cognition

6.1. able to extend the meaning of the basic semantic relations of agents

6.2. intention

6.3. interaction

6.4. sensorimotor cognition