John Riley

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John Riley por Mind Map: John Riley

1. co-workers are smokers; peer pressure

1.1. ask him to smoke with them; routine. Disrespect.

1.1.1. potential social isolation from quitting

2. Lifestyle

2.1. Sedentary

2.2. Beer one daily (OD) after work

2.3. Gets good amount of sleep at night

2.4. Good nutrition in general

3. Reasons to smoke

3.1. Coping mechanisms

3.1.1. smoking is used to cope with stress/mental drained or fatigued trigger: coming home from work

3.2. Perception of smoking

3.2.1. helps his concentration trigger: early in the morning with coffee

3.3. relationships

3.3.1. Co-workers smoking may allow him to have good work relationships

3.4. Lack of knowledge

3.4.1. does not know how to quit smoking/options

3.4.2. effects of second-smoke

3.4.3. only exposure to knowledge has been family concerns/discussions

3.4.4. unaware of effects of smoking on body

3.5. Social aspect

3.5.1. started at 16 part of his identity

3.5.2. father smoked

3.6. does not prioritize self care

4. Stage

4.1. Ready to quit/learn; nervous

5. Environment

5.1. nutrition; wife tries to cook healthy meals

5.2. smokes in the home without the kids there

6. Reasons to quit

6.1. productive smokers cough in the morning

6.2. Emotional/Mental State

6.2.1. withdrawal symptoms distracted stressed irritable

6.2.2. wanted to quit

6.2.3. does not take the situation seriously

6.3. Relationships

6.3.1. Family relationships marriage strain; he's irritable. arguing more with wife; increased stress father died of COPD re:35 years of smoking Role in the family is breadwinner kids are worried about him Good family relationships in general Son prescribed inhalers; maybe due to dad's smoking brother steve encouraging him

6.4. Cost of smoking

7. Smoking cessation

7.1. Hamilton Public health