Leadership: Influencing others to love and know Jesus for the glory of God

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Leadership: Influencing others to love and know Jesus for the glory of God por Mind Map: Leadership: Influencing others to love and know Jesus for the glory of God

1. Growth

1.1. Learning

1.2. Sanctification

1.3. Confession/Repentence

2. Experience

2.1. Communion with God

2.2. Worship

2.3. Modeling

3. Calling

3.1. To the church

3.2. To obedience

3.3. To faith

3.4. To the Great Commission

4. Character

4.1. Spirit Filled

4.2. Honest

4.3. Humble

4.4. Integrity

4.5. Commitment

4.6. Hope

5. Skills

5.1. Communication

5.2. Organizational Leadership

5.3. Persuasive

5.4. Theology

5.4.1. Biblical

5.4.2. Theoretical

5.5. Vision Casting

5.6. Team Building

5.6.1. Delegation

5.6.2. Development

5.6.3. Unifying