Customer Portal-Login Flow

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Customer Portal-Login Flow por Mind Map: Customer Portal-Login Flow

1. UI

1.1. Design

1.1.1. should be as per design

1.1.2. All fields blank screen is as per design error message text is corrrect

1.1.3. Username Blank screen is as per design error message text is corrrect

1.1.4. Password Blank screen is as per design error message text is corrrect

1.1.5. when username or password incorrect screen is as per design error message text is corrrect

1.1.6. when account gets locked screen is as per design error message text is corrrect

1.2. password mask

1.2.1. eye icon will be visible to mask and unmask password

1.3. tabs should work properly

1.4. enter trigger submit action

1.5. Navigaton

1.5.1. Forgot username

1.5.2. Forgot password

1.5.3. Create Account

1.6. title of the window should be correct

2. Functionality

2.1. API

2.1.1. check T&C returned

2.1.2. check list of customer Adfit numbers

2.2. Autocomplete

2.2.1. As per the browser

2.3. Account Locking

2.3.1. user gets locked after 5 incorrect trials iIPB-21163

2.3.2. user cannot login after 5 incorrect trials

2.3.3. no status change in the database

2.3.4. user can do 4 incorrect trials then login successfully the 5th

2.3.5. the unsuccessful login counter should reset after one successful login

2.3.6. if user try 3 failed times then login then try 2 failed times he should not get locked

2.3.7. password reset will reset the lock

2.3.8. check the counter in db . will it keep counting even after locking? no

2.4. T&C

2.4.1. check T&C in database

2.5. Login

2.5.1. if user enters correct username and password he logs in and dummy landing page is displayed

2.5.2. user can login with the longest allowed username and longest allowed password

2.5.3. username should not be case sensetive

2.5.4. password should be case sensetive

2.5.5. guarantor can login with account if customer is 18 today and account will be unauthorized IPB-21211

2.6. Logout

2.6.1. user can logout

2.6.2. session will be closed

2.6.3. user can login again with same account

2.6.4. user can login with different account

2.6.5. after logout i cannot go back to any page

2.7. session expiry

2.7.1. session expires in 30 minutes

2.7.2. passive session expiry

3. Capability

3.1. Simaltanious login

3.1.1. different browsers on same machine

3.1.2. on machine and mobile on the same time

3.1.3. simultanious login same browser different windows

4. Network

4.1. how screen behaves when customer click login with no network connection?