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MI Way por Mind Map: MI Way

1. Awakening Phase

1.1. Create Brand Awareness for MI

1.2. Why Influencers will beat Network Marketers

1.3. Why Influence

1.4. Why Social Media

1.5. How can I monetise

1.6. Set Expectations/Flywheel

1.7. Why Evergreen

1.7.1. look at David's presentation

1.7.2. 3 mins

2. Self Discovery Stage

2.1. Passion

2.2. Niche

2.3. Target Audience

2.4. Solidify your Message

3. Authority Builder Stage (Instagram)

3.1. Instagram

3.2. Optimising IG

3.3. Algorithm

3.4. Hashtags

3.5. Stories

4. Social Media Basics Phase

4.1. Platforms

4.1.1. IG

4.1.2. FB

4.1.3. YouTube

4.1.4. Twitter

4.1.5. LinkedIn

4.2. Market Research

4.3. Funnels

4.4. Flywheel

4.5. Value ladder

5. Content Creator in Training Phase

5.1. Content Marketing

5.2. Content Research

5.3. Free VS Paid

5.4. Content Platforms

5.4.1. Specific What kind of videos make more money on YT

5.4.2. Expansion of Platforms on Social Media Basics Phase

6. Conversion Stage 1

6.1. In the DMs

6.2. Minimal Viable Funnel

6.3. Landing Page for IG?

6.4. Marketing Video

6.5. Lead Magnet (Free Guide)

6.6. Email Marketing

7. Online Sales Mastery

7.1. Best Practices

7.2. Discovery Calls

7.3. Mindset

7.4. Objections

7.5. How to Sell MI

8. SEO

8.1. Old SEO

8.1.1. Why it's NO MORE

9. MI Portal

9.1. Marketing Copy

9.2. Blogging

9.3. Keywords

10. Other Platforms

10.1. Pinterest

10.2. YouTube

10.3. Twitter

10.4. LinkedIn

11. Facebook Mastery

11.1. Ads

11.2. Groups

11.3. Fan Pages

11.4. Profiles

11.5. Messenger

12. Influencer Management

12.1. Contracts

12.2. Rates