Plot 58: Community Development

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Plot 58: Community Development por Mind Map: Plot 58: Community Development

1. 5. Needs assessment of community

2. 1. Understanding the plans and commitment of owner

3. 2. Goals and outcomes desired by the owner

4. 3. Swot analysis of relationship between business and community

5. 4. Readjustment of community's expectations

6. 6. Compile community's SWOT and gap analysis with focus group.

7. 9. Choose projects and create clear goals and objectives for each

8. 11. Monitoring and evaluation

9. 12. Compile and execute Work Plan

10. 10. Compile Synchronisation measures between business and community plans

11. 7. Share Swot and gap analysis with community

12. 13. Monitoring and evaluation

13. 8. Re- Align and Improve Swot and Gap