Performance Marketer Podcast

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Performance Marketer Podcast por Mind Map: Performance Marketer Podcast

1. Brandan

1.1. Video/Scripting/Direction

1.2. Interviewing Guests

2. Ryan/Daxy

2.1. Podcast

2.2. ManyChat

2.3. Guest Outreach

2.4. Youtube

2.5. Facebook Group

2.6. Instagram

2.7. Email

3. Sheree

3.1. Copy | Content

3.2. Video/Scripting

3.3. Ebooks/Guides

4. Pavel

4.1. Technical Tasks

4.2. Creating Websites/Technology

4.3. API/Data Integration

5. Vidya

5.1. Manage Facebook Ads Manager

5.2. Retargeting Pixels

5.3. Manage Ad Tracking Sheets

5.4. Create Ads Strategy and Direction

5.5. Ad Copy and Graphics

6. Ramin

6.1. Technical Tasks

6.2. Tracking

6.3. ClickX Product

7. Keith

7.1. Technical Tasks

7.2. Email

7.3. ManyChat

8. Andrew

8.1. Distribution

8.2. Affiliate Network

9. Ijasul/Adam/Shabeer

9.1. Funnel Builders

9.2. ClickFunnel Integrations

9.3. ManyChat