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Propaganda por Mind Map: Propaganda

1. Method

1.1. Activate strong emotions

1.2. Respond to audiences needs and values

1.3. Attacking opponents

1.4. Simplify ideas

2. Audience

2.1. Teens

2.2. Adults

2.3. Specific organisations

2.4. Specific nation or ethnicity

3. Places

3.1. Billboards

3.2. Internet

3.3. Magazines and newspapers

4. Sinplify ideas

5. Purpose

5.1. Educate

5.2. Spread ideas

5.3. Change public opinion

6. Techniques

6.1. Bandwagon

6.2. Testimonial

6.3. Snob appeal

6.4. Plain folks

6.5. Misuse of statistics

6.6. Loaded words

6.7. Transfer

6.8. Name callimg or stereotyping