United States Federal Government

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United States Federal Government por Mind Map: United States Federal Government

1. Legislative

1.1. Article I

1.2. House of Representatives

1.2.1. House members must be twenty-five years of age and citizens for seven year

1.2.2. 435 members in the House of Representatives

1.2.3. Members of the House of Representatives serve two terms and are considered for re-election every even year

1.3. Senate

1.3.1. Senators serve six-year terms and elections to the Senate are staggered over even years so that only about 1/3 of the Senate is up for reelection during any election

1.3.2. 100 members in the Senate

1.3.3. Senators are at least thirty years old and citizens for nine years.

1.4. Powers of the legislative branch

1.4.1. Make laws

1.4.2. Declare War

1.4.3. Regulates inner state and foreign commerce and controls taxing and spending policies

2. Executive

2.1. Article II

2.2. A presidential candidate must be a natural born citizen for the United States, a resident for 14 years, and 35 years of age or older 4 year term 2 term limit Chief administrator Chief of State Chief legislator Chief diplomat Commander in Chief Vice President Be a natural born US citizen, be at least 35 years old, and be a resident in the US for at least 14 years 4 term 2 term Powers of the executive branch Being able to veto, or reject, a proposal for a law Appoint federal posts, such as members of government agencies Negotiate foreign treaties with other countries Appoint federal judges Grant pardons, or forgiveness, for a crime

3. Judicial

3.1. Article III

3.2. No clear requirements to become member of Supreme Court

3.3. A member of the Supreme Court is appointed by the President and approved by the Senate

3.4. There are 9 justices.

3.5. Head Justice is known as the Chief Justice.

3.6. They serve for life, unless they’re impeached.

3.7. The Supreme Court’s powers consist of judicial review